by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates

The Highest Drug Use in Pontbridge Islands

World Census experts sampled many cakes of dubious content to determine which nations' citizens consume the most recreational drugs.

As a region, Pontbridge Islands is ranked 11,183rd in the world for Highest Drug Use.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Libertarian Paradise of CashdeerAnarchy“Free Markets, Free People”
2.The Republic of AckshenvilleCapitalizt“From the ashes”
3.The Testament to Laziness of QpqCompulsory Consumerist State“Why spend time on originality?”
4.The Theocracy of YuubleIron Fist Consumerists“Fortnite Battle Pass”
5.The Republic of PontbridgeAnarchy“An island in a sea of oppression”
6.The Cloud of TranshumanstanAnarchy“Enhancing our minds and bodies”
7.The Womyn's Paradise of GynostanPsychotic Dictatorship“From each to his ability, each according to her needs!”
8.The People's Republic of CutoteCorporate Police State“None shall stop our conquest!”