by Max Barry

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The Most Cultured in Osiris

After spending many tedious hours in coffee shops and concert halls, World Census experts have found the following nations to be the most cultured.

As a region, Osiris is ranked 5,497th in the world for Most Cultured.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of DiallandDemocratic Socialists“Freedom, Liberty, Human Rights”
2.The Federal Republic of BrillnuckLeft-wing Utopia“Liberty, Equality, Democracy”
3.The Theocracy of Nova NeraAnarchy“We Will Endure”
4.The Consciousness of ZT333Moralistic Democracy“We Are One”
5.The Hegemony of DelberzInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ut cives, sicut patria”
6.The Heavily-Legged Strongmen of ElJefeDemocratic Socialists“Peace Through Superior Firepower!”
7.The Republic of Stephine21Left-Leaning College State“Your Country, Your Choice”
8.The Imperial Federation of GhearmainFather Knows Best State“Gott und mein Recht”
9.The Commonwealth of CyleiaAnarchy“Strength through Unity”
10.The Royal Republic of ThespiniaDemocratic Socialists“Viva, Ammora, Toleranda.”
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