by Max Barry

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The Highest Crime Rates in NationStates

World Census interns were dispatched to seedy back alleys in order to determine which nations have the highest crime rates.

As a region, NationStates is ranked 12,089th in the world for Highest Crime Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Free Land of Port MyrealCivil Rights Lovefest“No masters above, no servants below.”
2.The Meditations of Happy GilmourAnarchy“That was Zen; This is Tao”
3.The Peace and Love Child of MikesHopeAnarchy“Love Conquers Fear”
4.The Rickenbacker Jangliness of The ByrdsAnarchy“I, I don't have the vaguest notion”
5.The Alex Trebek Legacy of JeopardyAnarchy“What is an opportunity?”
6.The Beautiful Nation of Amor y Paz de MiguelAnarchy“Love Conquers Fear”
7.The Peace and Love Child of Mike yAnarchy“Love Conquers Fear”
8.The Peace and Love Child of La Esperanza de MiguelAnarchy“Love Conquers Fear”
9.The Amor y Paz of Mike in MexicoAnarchy“Love Conquers Fear”
10.The Donna Summer Hit Song of Last DanceAnarchy“Last Dance For Love”
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