by Max Barry

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The Largest Agricultural Sector in MJT

World Census bean-counters on horseback guided herds of cattle to slaughter in order to determine which nations have the largest agricultural sectors.

As a region, MJT is ranked 11,181st in the world for Largest Agricultural Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Sunny sunland of LjosberarIron Fist Consumerists“here comes the sun”
2.The Rogue Nation of GSN83Moralistic Democracy“Tiocfaidh ár lá”
3.The Krasnoyarskian Commune State of Serbian EFather Knows Best State“Geneva Convention? How about Geneva SUGGESTIONS *cough*”
4.The KGB Agent of Nikolei iz VashingtonaCorporate Police State“I am the man who arranges the blocks...”
5.The People's Revolution of KostaneInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Freedom At Any Price”
6.The Kingdom of Floricia-LeannaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Flowers Galore!”
7.The Commonwealth of SlastiniaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“From Power and Unity, We'll Stand Strongly and Freely”
8.The Kingdom of ArprinaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Arprina, Land of Harmony”
9.The Kingdom of AralgiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Peace and Justice”
10.The Soviet Socialist Republic of Yet again another oneInoffensive Centrist Democracy“something something communism”
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