by Max Barry

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The Highest Wealthy Incomes in MHBs New Earth

The World Census studied the spending power of the richest 10% of citizens in each nation.

As a region, MHBs New Earth is ranked 6,112th in the world for Highest Wealthy Incomes.

NationWA CategoryMotto
91.The Communist Legion of RamsestaniaAuthoritarian Democracy“For Freedom, for True socialism”
92.The Soviet Socialist republic of Siberian soviet socialist republicCorrupt Dictatorship“All power to the soviets!”
93.The Allied States of Noorden Ministry of International TradePsychotic Dictatorship“No, it's not capitalism.”
94.The Community of Rita AustraliaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Colonizers get out!”
95.The Socialist Queendom of StrawvyaPsychotic Dictatorship“Strawberry Fields Forever!”
96.The Rogue Nation of The Wisterian Hummingbird MovementLeft-wing Utopia“Revolution! Revolutie! Revolusjon! Революция!”
97.The Community of Sanctuary-1Psychotic Dictatorship“We die so the next thrive!”
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