by Max Barry

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The Largest Populations in Hispano Germanic Alliance

The following nations have the greatest number of citizens.

As a region, Hispano Germanic Alliance is ranked 15,386th in the world for Largest Populations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Evil Raider of VisoraxMoralistic Democracy“Banject them all.”
2.The Fallen of Megatronus PrimeIron Fist Consumerists“At long last, Megatronus stands triumphant!”
3.The Decepticon of ClampdownPsychotic Dictatorship“I am a decepticon”
4.The Decepticon of SpringloadPsychotic Dictatorship“I am a decepticon”
5.The Decepticon of UnderbiteCorrupt Dictatorship“I am a decepticon”
6.The Black Hawk of FingonFather Knows Best State“Caw”
7.The Decepticon of QuillfirePsychotic Dictatorship“I am a decepticon”
8.The Brainwashed Autobot of CliffjumperLiberal Democratic Socialists“I am an autobot”
9.The Malice Puppet of DXRIron Fist Consumerists“Praise the Overseer!”
10.The Communist Blackacrean Ship of Violet NovemberPsychotic Dictatorship“Issue #1062”
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