by Max Barry

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The Most Pro-Market in Grant

This data was compiled by surveying a random sample of businesses with the question, "Do you believe the government is committed to free market policies?"

As a region, Grant is ranked 4,765th in the world for Most Pro-Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Grant of CortelCapitalist Paradise“Alis aquilae”
2.The Grant of TortonaRight-wing Utopia“Deo adjuvante non timendum ”
3.The Grant of PalatinaFree-Market Paradise“Ditat Deus”
4.The Grant of TomoRight-wing Utopia“Ministando vigilans”
5.The Grant of RuccaRight-wing Utopia“Multum in parvo”
6.The Grant of CapitanataRight-wing Utopia“Sine labe decus”
7.The Grant of ModicaRight-wing Utopia“Nec aspera terrent”
8.The Grant of TrazioRight-wing Utopia“Fortes creantur fortibus”
9.The Grant of BorcennaRight-wing Utopia“Pro aris et focis”
10.The Confederacy of PannondrioFree-Market Paradise“Montani semper liberi”
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