by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Public Education in Grant

Fresh-faced World Census agents infiltrated schools with varying degrees of success in order to determine which nations had the most widespread, well-funded, and advanced public education programs.

As a region, Grant is ranked 20,437th in the world for Most Advanced Public Education.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Grant of CapitanataRight-wing Utopia“Sine labe decus”
22.The Grant of SceicceMoralistic Democracy“Deo adjuvante labor proficit”
23.The Grant of SubrigariaRight-wing Utopia“Rident florentia prata”
24.The City of SenzioffreMoralistic Democracy“Perseverance vincit”
25.The Grant of BriuliRight-wing Utopia“Potius mori quam foedari”
26.The Grant of CrossetoRight-wing Utopia“In vino veritas”
27.The City of ScagliettoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Virtue et Industria”
28.The Grant of ValtebriggioRight-wing Utopia“Pulchra terra Dei donum”
29.The Grant of CaveseInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Quam pura nites”
30.The City of DennvilleMoralistic Democracy“Nescit occasum”
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