by Max Barry

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The Largest Furniture Restoration Industry in Grant

World Census analysts spend quiet weekends in the countryside in order to determine which nations have the largest Furniture Restoration industries.

As a region, Grant is ranked 13,402nd in the world for Largest Furniture Restoration Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Grant of DoroInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Omnia mutantur, nihil interit”
32.The Grant of TomoRight-wing Utopia“Ministando vigilans”
33.The Grant of DesantoricaDemocratic Socialists“Opes industria parit”
34.The Grant of HelvericaNew York Times Democracy“Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno”
35.The Grant of SolteraInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Intaminatis fulget honoribus”
36.The City of ForlicesenaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Aedificemus”
37.The Grant of CrossetoRight-wing Utopia“In vino veritas”
38.The Grant of La SpergamoRight-wing Utopia“Audentes fortuna juvat”
39.The Grant of CapitanataRight-wing Utopia“Sine labe decus”
40.The Grant of MeccoRight-wing Utopia“Mare didat flores decorant”
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