by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates

The Most Secular in Forest

World Census experts studied which citizens seemed least concerned about eternal damnation, spiritual awakeness, and chakra wellbeing in order to determine the most godforsaken nations.

As a region, Forest is ranked 1,882nd in the world for Most Secular.

NationWA CategoryMotto
281.The Republic of RienhzslhajhrabhAuthoritarian Democracy“Riemstagrad”
282.The Compliments of GoodDemocratic Socialists“Well Done!”
283.The Empire of CrinadiaBenevolent Dictatorship“Strength Through Civil Freedom”
284.The Safiloan Communal-Republic of Kambanu IslandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Motto...”
285.The Oak Trees of Great HautboisIron Fist Consumerists“Hard Cheese Old Boy!”
286.The United Mangrove Archipelago of RansiumDemocratic Socialists“Semper Virens”
287.The Kingdom of The Black ForrestInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Where's Momo?”
288.The Green Power of Erhnam DjinnPsychotic Dictatorship“3G”
289.The Empire of Carolean DynastyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Mettle and Ire (Friendship of the Nationstates)”
290.The Espada of Grimmjow JCorrupt Dictatorship“I am the king”
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