by Max Barry

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The Fattest Citizens in Forest

World Census takers tracked the sale of Cheetos and Twinkies to ascertain which nations most enjoyed the "kind bud."

As a region, Forest is ranked 15,417th in the world for Fattest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
301.The United Realms of CalenmorLeft-wing Utopia“Elmelain!”
302.The Most Serene Eco-Republic of Middle BaraelScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Knowledge, Nature, Peace, and Order make a Golden Age”
303.The United Regions of SozlandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Loyal To All”
304.The Pro Ukraine Windowmakers of Window LandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Equality is good”
305.The Arboreal Republic of New LadaviaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Fortitudinem per Sapientia”
306.The Northern Lands of EinswennScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Towards the New Adventures!”
307.The United Sovereign Queendoms of RhodevusScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Ad Victoriam”
308.The Confederacy of KawastyselirLeft-wing Utopia“In love, all are free”
309.The Bureaudirectic Union of JutsaCapitalizt“Peace, Probity, Prosperity, and Scented Pinecones”
310.The CUP-Eladeni Isocracy of Liberal LiberalsLeft-wing Utopia“Can't we all just get along? Eladen Rep”
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