by Max Barry

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The Nudest in Europe

After exhaustive surveys, the World Census calculated which nations have the greatest acreages of flesh on public display.

As a region, Europe is ranked 7,741st in the world for Nudest.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Socialist Federal Republic of The AquariaLiberal Democratic Socialists“☭ Proletarii Mundi, Coniunge! ☭”
32.The Senate and People of FrostiniaMother Knows Best State“Senatus Populusque Frostinianus”
33.The Resolution-Printing Offices of Magecastle Embassy Building A5Corporate Police State“Comply or die. The WA Elite watches.”
34.The Federation of The Eurasian ContinentPsychotic Dictatorship“May the Dark Star shines, Eurasia Forever”
35.The Federal Republic of SoclaniaNew York Times Democracy“Νενικήκαμεν (We Won)”
36.The Communist states of Newex Nov CanPsychotic Dictatorship“Prosperity in peace strength in war”
37.The Holy Order-State of SoveriegnPsychotic Dictatorship“The state provides for all her loyal children.”
38.The Corporate Federation of MaritzalIron Fist Consumerists“Together As One”
39.The Holy Empire of An ClarFather Knows Best State“Worship the Banner or be destroyed!”
40.The Sultanate of East CryptopiaIron Fist Consumerists“Everything for Our Leader”
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