by Max Barry

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The Largest Agricultural Sector in Europe

World Census bean-counters on horseback guided herds of cattle to slaughter in order to determine which nations have the largest agricultural sectors.

As a region, Europe is ranked 9,619th in the world for Largest Agricultural Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1,541.The European Union of Slavonia and SrijemScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Bolje ispast glup nego iz aviona”
1,542.The Meme template enthusiast of Outer SpartaDemocratic Socialists“Promote and Preserve”
1,543.The FPCM of Northern German FederationInoffensive Centrist Democracy“To Each Their Own”
1,544.The Let's All Just Get Along of RaghallaighCivil Rights Lovefest“The more you take, the more you leave behind.”
1,545.The Commonwealth of StromiaDemocratic Socialists“Vi Har Rätt I Varje Förorätta Sak Vi Gör”
1,546.The Schlaraffenstaat of ShetlLiberal Democratic Socialists“The Top Google Hit for Schlaraffenstaat!”
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