by Max Barry

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The Highest Economic Output in Declansburg

World Census bean-counters crunched the numbers to calculate national Gross Domestic Product. Older nations, with higher populations, were noted to have a distinct advantage.

As a region, Declansburg is ranked 10,416th in the world for Highest Economic Output.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Empire of Cybran StatesIron Fist Consumerists“One Hand, One Heart, One Soul.”
2.The Dảxlamic Evergreen Republic of New BradfordsburgCorrupt Dictatorship“The Spirit of Declansburg”
3.The Ascendant Cities of AnacodiaLeft-Leaning College State“Embrace the Singularity”
4.The Sublime Yertopia of YertanistanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“If someone offers you a mint, take it!”
5.The Workers Defense Council of StaidearScandinavian Liberal Paradise“The Breadbasket of Declansburg!”
6.The Armed Republic of Cunso JitroLibertarian Police State“Authority from Chaos”
7.The Kingdom of ArveniaFather Knows Best State“All Hail Megandelan”
8.The Commonwealth of NaxomiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“From Diversity, Unity”
9.The Socialist People's Republic of ShreminovDemocratic Socialists“Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!”
10.The Dáxlamic Metropolia of BradfordsboroughCorrupt Dictatorship“Cultivating reverence!”
1234. . .2021»