by Max Barry

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The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Declansburg

The World Census measured the rate of desertification in order to calculate which nations have the largest timber industry.

As a region, Declansburg is ranked 16,674th in the world for Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Workers Defense Council of StaidearScandinavian Liberal Paradise“The Breadbasket of Declansburg!”
2.The Oppressed Peoples of NatensomefesAnarchy“Pride and Industry”
3.The Republic of Federalis UnidaConservative Democracy“United in Freedom, Strong in Progress”
4.The Constitutional Monarchy of GrunculliInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Red Deer's Brightness Will Certainly Rise”
5.The Precinctual Dáxlamic Forests of Rocky NookInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Spread the light!”
6.The Communal Dáxlamic Parishes of QiaxalanCompulsory Consumerist State“Wherever they shall exist!”
7.The Federation of KrashtkaCivil Rights Lovefest“Unite , Democracy and People”
8.The Kingdom of JohannesborgNew York Times Democracy“Johannesborg shall never dissipate”
9.The Empire of Cybran StatesIron Fist Consumerists“One Hand, One Heart, One Soul.”
10.The Federation of United Vil Sta SymastionixiNew York Times Democracy“Предателям родины смерть !”
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