by Max Barry

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The Most Alphabetically Ascendent in Declansburg

Linguistic experts debated late into the night to place nations in alphabetical order.

NationWA CategoryMotto
171.The People's Republic of Reformed BrazilDemocratic Socialists“Bem estar social e Progresso”
172.The Solemn Grounds of RehaviaDemocratic Socialists“In Service of the Evergreen Republic”
173.The Republic of RheiniaLeft-wing Utopia“Unity, Discipline, Work”
174.The Precinctual Dáxlamic Forests of Rocky NookInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Spread the light!”
175.The Dáxlamic Metropolitanate of RoxquesneCorrupt Dictatorship“Spread the light!”
176.The Democratic Republic of SabambaAuthoritarian Democracy“Proletoj el ĉiuj landoj, unuiĝu!”
177.The Protectorate of SablefirCorrupt Dictatorship“Shine Forth Antexium”
178.The Protodáxlamerate Templelands of Saint BonaventureCorrupt Dictatorship“Tamsa seeks to destroy the Creator's gifts.”
179.The Fishtopia of SalanioucaDemocratic Socialists“We love fish.”
180.The Ascetic Dáxlamic Mandate of Salinas PlantationsCorrupt Dictatorship“Cultivate Reverence!”
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