by Max Barry

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The Largest Trout Fishing Sector in Declansburg

The World Census conducted frenzied haggling with fishmongers in order to determine which nations have the largest fishing industries.

As a region, Declansburg is ranked 9,902nd in the world for Largest Trout Fishing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
191.The Dáxlamic Metropolitanate of Dux MilanIron Fist Socialists“A la Dảxlam!”
192.The Republic of Grand Funk RailroadIron Fist Consumerists“Closer To Home”
193.The United Crown Provinces of The AwenScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Wisdom, Honour, Truth and Justice”
194.The Delightful Republic of CanditiaLeft-Leaning College State“Victory for the New Republic”
195.The Republic of Of Russia3New York Times Democracy“Да здравствует свободное, социальное государство Росси!”
196.The Corporate Dynasty of The House of AbrasaxCapitalist Paradise“Humans as Energy”
197.The Armed Republic of Seravonne-NavvaroPsychotic Dictatorship“Tsàntéon Au Náqisîsîtò””
198.The Autocracy of Kingdom of RijaLibertarian Police State“Burn Failure, Forget Fear, Forever the Homeland,”
199.The Dáxlamic Liturgical Reserve of FranciscalanDemocratic Socialists“As in the beginning.”
200.The Republic of Severia and StarodubschinaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Moudrośt i pokojstvo sut bazis nasiego sociuma.”
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