by Max Barry

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The Most Rebellious Youth in Cools Established Barrier

World Census observers counted the number of times their car stereo was stolen from outside fast food stores to determine which nations have relatively high levels of youth-related crime.

As a region, Cools Established Barrier is ranked 24,022nd in the world for Most Rebellious Youth.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Kingdom of Free carsCivil Rights Lovefest“If i go down yall going with me”
2.The United States of BigulaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Skibidi”
3.The Kingdom of GaboriaLiberal Democratic Socialists“RIA RIA, GABORIA!”
4.The Unending Storm of EspeariaMoralistic Democracy“To spear or not to spear”
5.The Harbringer Of Salvation of GuseaIron Fist Consumerists“Puppeted we fall, free we survive”
6.The Classified Information of Sigma ArmadaCompulsory Consumerist State“STAND UP WITH THE SIGMAS AND DEFEAT THE SKIBIDI!!!!”
7.The Skibidis of Skibidi ArmadaFather Knows Best State“Stand up with the skibidis and Flush away the sigmas!”
8.The Kingdom of PortuguseaFather Knows Best State“Chat is this real????? -nit”
9.The Grand Duchy of GuseaspeariaFather Knows Best State“To spear or not to fall”
10.The Armed Republic of ViviriaFather Knows Best State“We Shall Survive”