by Max Barry

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The Most Primitive in Commonwealth of Liberty

Nations were ranked by World Census officials based on the number of natural phenomena attributed to the unknowable will of animal-based spirit gods.

As a region, Commonwealth of Liberty is ranked 24,864th in the world for Most Primitive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Most Serene Republic of Poopman52Free-Market Paradise“Live Free or Die”
32.The Republic of TrokadisaRight-wing Utopia“The way of life i money”
33.The Republic of HluwahLeft-Leaning College State“The truth is being kept a secret”
34.The Empire of White BreadCapitalizt“We Love White Bread!!!!!!!!!”
35.The Empire of Portuguese peoples republicsNew York Times Democracy“We never give up unlike the spanish”
36.The Republic of Michael AdeniyiNew York Times Democracy“Monkey forever”
37.The Republic of -Portuguese Republic-Moralistic Democracy“-Esta é a ditosa Pátria minha amada-”
38.The Empire of SiberraliaCorporate Police State“God bless the nation”
39.The Empire of EtiopyaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“ኢትዮጵያ ታበፅዕ እደዊሃ ኀበ እግዚአብሔር”
40.The People's Republic of More TaxesFree-Market Paradise“Taxes, taxes, taxes”
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