by Max Barry

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The Most Influential in Commonwealth of Liberty

World Census experts spent many evenings loitering in the corridors of power in order to determine which nations were the greatest international diplomacy heavyweights.

As a region, Commonwealth of Liberty is ranked 511th in the world for Most Influential.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Indian galactic federation of New FlailiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Equality for all”
22.The Kingdom of Sweden of ConnomiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Those who defy Superethnos are nothing but suicidal.”
23.The Republic of Kenya of MaziyaCorrupt Dictatorship“Malaysian, Malaysia”
24.The Regno d'Italia of ArcandaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“FERT”
25.The Democratic Republic of Greater KurdistaneCorrupt Dictatorship“Socialism, Nationalism, Democracy”
26.The Finnish-Turkish Republic of Vit NamCivil Rights Lovefest“Devlet-i Ebed-müddet”
27.The Federation of NewAuroriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Majulah Singapura.”
28.The Republica Federativa of Brazil ToucanNew York Times Democracy“Ordem e Progresso”
29.The Grand Empire of The Federal United Core of CarnemPsychotic Dictatorship“The Sun Never Sets On the Carnemian Empire”
30.The Federal Kingdom of NierlandiaIron Fist Consumerists“We Shall Not Falter”
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