by Max Barry

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The Most Subsidized Industry in Commonwealth of Liberty

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

As a region, Commonwealth of Liberty is ranked 5,925th in the world for Most Subsidized Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Slovene Republic of AmsterwaldInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Edinost, sreča, sprava”
2.The Austro-Hungarian Empire of CheezaslovakiaLibertarian Police State“inseparabilis et melior tunc semper”
3.The State of GhedelandFather Knows Best State“Science, Culture, Paix”
4.The Federal Republic of KuamemeLeft-Leaning College State“Justice and Prosperity”
5.The United States of ParamounticaCivil Rights Lovefest“E Pluribus Unum”
6.The Duchy of ChosinNew York Times Democracy“Erudice, Purity, Wealth”
7.The ČSSR of Central ArstotzkaCivil Rights Lovefest“Kde domov můj”
8.The Grand Empire of The Federal United Core of CarnemPsychotic Dictatorship“The Sun Never Sets On the Carnemian Empire”
9.The Federal Republic of OccidenticaAuthoritarian Democracy“Unity and Freedom Forever!”
10.The Vietnamese NPR of The Confederate Prussian EmpireDemocratic Socialists“Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc”
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