by Max Barry

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The Most Pro-Market in Chicken overlords

This data was compiled by surveying a random sample of businesses with the question, "Do you believe the government is committed to free market policies?"

As a region, Chicken overlords is ranked 1,100th in the world for Most Pro-Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
18,551.The Community of Womble HillsLeft-wing Utopia“Make The Common Look Like Humans Never Came To It”
18,552.The United Kingdom of Western Cabbage ForestLeft-wing Utopia“Getting Older And Older”
18,553.The Human Killing Kangaroos of Eastern southern north HMML kangaroosLiberal Democratic Socialists“In his majesty, king of kangaroos, we trust”
18,554.The Empire of Glorious Eastern United Magnificent CELeft-wing Utopia“I Like The New Paint In You Living Room, Yes It’s Blood”
18,555.The Protectorate of Moana Clark CountyLiberal Democratic Socialists“Grow Turnips and Prosper”
18,556.The Most Divine and Holy Empire of Not Your StuffPsychotic Dictatorship“This is not your stuff, it's MY stuff. All of it.”
18,557.The Principality of Bison ValleyLiberal Democratic Socialists“Trample The Humans”
18,558.The Constitutional Monarchy of Slone PunkeDemocratic Socialists“From Many, One”
18,559.The Republic of Northern Empire of PlantsLeft-wing Utopia“Grow, Grow, Grow!”
18,560.The Commonwealth of Northwestern Dodos Are Pathetic ScumLeft-wing Utopia“Kill all Dodos”
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