by Max Barry

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The Most Politically Free in Chicken overlords

These nations allow citizens the greatest amount of freedom to select their own government.

As a region, Chicken overlords is ranked 1,148th in the world for Most Politically Free.

NationWA CategoryMotto
51.The Kingdom of Wellingtons Test 58Anarchy“Testing Testing”
52.The Kingdom of Womble 3Anarchy“We Will Endure”
53.The Kingdom of Womble 5Anarchy“You Can't Stop Progress”
54.The Kingdom of Womble 7Anarchy“Mission Accomplished”
55.The Kingdom of Womble 10Anarchy“Might Makes Right”
56.The Kingdom of Womble 11Anarchy“Might Makes Right”
57.The Kingdom of Womble 12Anarchy“Peace and Justice”
58.The Kingdom of Womble 17Anarchy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
59.The Kingdom of Womble 40Anarchy“Strength Through Freedom”
60.The Kingdom of Womble 49Anarchy“From Many, One”
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