by Max Barry

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The Largest Populations in Balder

The following nations have the greatest number of citizens.

As a region, Balder is ranked 17,158th in the world for Largest Populations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Empire of GaniaxFather Knows Best State“Them's fightin' words.”
2.The Commonwealth of NianacioCivil Rights Lovefest“Harimau pepasa atmia.”
3.The Chicken Factory of BucketheadlandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three.”
4.The Super Secret Spy Guy of Shaq FuInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Boom shaqqa laqqa!”
5.The Holy Empire of Devoted SnailsPsychotic Dictatorship“Everybody's mortal but me”
6.The Imperium of TonyoniaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Welcome to Tonyonia, female dog.”
7.The Free Land of Impending DamnationAnarchy“Freedom from authority; freedom from accountability”
8.The Free Republic of Rich ScholarsCapitalist Paradise“Knowledge (and money) is power”
9.The Isotope of Pope on DopeTyranny by Majority“Nope, nope, nope.”
10.The Boneless Ferocity of PterygioteuthisCorporate Police State“Spine? Nein.”
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