by Max Barry

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The Most Stationary in Badlands Frontier

Long-term World Census surveillance revealed which nations have been resident in their current region for the longest time.

As a region, Badlands Frontier is ranked 22,897th in the world for Most Stationary.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Autocratikstaat of RionsergondCompulsory Consumerist State“The working “people.” Hah!”
2.The Imperial Principality of ArakhkharPsychotic Dictatorship“By the Empress’ design, by the Vicereine’s will.”
3.The Sovereign Republic of North NixiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“True Nixia endures.”
4.The Interstellar Prefectures of Eusan FederationScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Healing Eternally”
5.The Armed Republic of GonswanzaIron Fist Consumerists“Freedom is the blood of the people”
6.The Kingdom of VolkovogradIron Fist Consumerists“Hunters and Prey”
7.The Imperial Province of Kva NoraleAuthoritarian Democracy“Viva la Motherland”
8.The Kingdom of YikarIron Fist Consumerists“Where the mighty do not yield”
9.The Sublime Sultanate of MalkantrizIron Fist Consumerists“May we prevail.”
10.The Disjunct Rival Governments of DolmotCorrupt Dictatorship“Actually, You Can Stop Change”