by Max Barry

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The Highest Disposable Incomes in Artificial Solar System

The World Census calculated the average incomes of citizens after paying tax.

As a region, Artificial Solar System is ranked 14,705th in the world for Highest Disposable Incomes.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The SQUEEZE THEM ON GME of MoneymakestheworldgoroundCorporate Police State“What's an exit strategy?”
2.The Protectorate of Cardmania9002Moralistic Democracy“I'm Not Dead Yet!”
3.The Republic of TegoCorporate Bordello“Conquer the universe”
4.The Language-Learning Cult of DuolingoniaCorporate Police State“You forgot to do your Spanish lesson...”
5.The Eshia of Shutdown GovernmentBenevolent Dictatorship“Strength Through Freedom”
6.The Nomadic Peoples of Ferrari TestarossaCapitalist Paradise“Bring Back the 80's”
7.The Strongman Kingdom of BalongskieIron Fist Consumerists“Pax Balongina”
8.The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner65Psychotic Dictatorship“Romulus”
9.The Sheldonian Calendar of QuonkolandAnarchy“It's Quonkoday!”
10.The Historical Kingdom of East MakiniusCivil Rights Lovefest“Kia kaha”
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