by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Public Transport in Antarctica

World Census experts captured, tagged, and released trains in order to identify which nations have the most extensive, well-funded public transportation systems.

As a region, Antarctica is ranked 1,229th in the world for Most Advanced Public Transport.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Morally Questionable People of FlibblersPsychotic Dictatorship“Flibble”
2.The Trenchant Order of The VoltarumScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat.”
3.The Kingdom of TurisLeft-wing Utopia“Audaces fortuna iuvat”
4.The Penguin Republic of Lowlandian StatesDemocratic Socialists“Putting the WIN in penguin”
5.The Precious Taters of HobbitatDemocratic Socialists“Om nom nom”
6.The Democratic Republic of AbanhfleftCapitalist Paradise“Respublika!”
7.The Dominion of ToneorScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Moderation is only good in moderation.”
8.The Retired States of Super Pixeled PenguinsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We're outdated!”
9.The Socialist Alliance of MercobiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”
10.The 𝔸𝕓𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕤 of Antarctic AnonymsLiberal Democratic Socialists“Qᴜᴀɴᴛᴜᴍ ɴɪʜɪʟɪꜱᴍ cannot be censored”