by Max Barry

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The Most Ignorant Citizens in Ambition

The World Census studied which nations seemed to have the greatest numbers of citizens that fell into the categories "ignorant," "oblivious," or "just plain dumb."

As a region, Ambition is ranked 24,276th in the world for Most Ignorant Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
4,411.The 『California King Bed』User of Daiya HigashikataCivil Rights Lovefest“Happiness is to share memories with someone.”
4,412.The Assassin Leader of Evie FryeCivil Rights Lovefest“Nothing is true; everything is permitted”
4,413.The Ice Queendom of WeissCivil Rights Lovefest“I'm the best girl”
4,414.The Empire of Loli God RequiemCivil Rights Lovefest“Ui Beeeeeeeeeam”
4,415.The Rogue Nation of NeoCatCivil Rights Lovefest“Oh, hey you made it!”
4,416.The Observer of Rachel AlucardCivil Rights Lovefest“You may rest only when fate has been overcome”
4,417.The Queendom of Rhoda PenmarkCivil Rights Lovefest“Why should I feel sorry, he's the one that died not me.”
4,418.The Spirit of Chiharu HisakoCivil Rights Lovefest“I will take back what was stolen”
4,419.The Protectorate of Ui-chanCivil Rights Lovefest“All is dust”
4,420.The Queendom of Maudie MillerCivil Rights Lovefest“Another case solved”
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