by Max Barry

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The Most Valuable International Artwork in Africa

Some nations attempt to collect signature artworks of other nations, developing collections known as "decks." The World Census has estimated their value.

As a region, Africa is ranked 3,422nd in the world for Most Valuable International Artwork.

NationWA CategoryMotto
191.The People's Republic of IturiMoralistic Democracy“La Paix Par La Fraternité”
192.The People's Republic of SalangaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
193.The Republic of Little EdieDemocratic Socialists“Strength Through Compliance”
194.The Empire of NavgastiaCorporate Police State“Law, order, discipline”
195.The Republic of United Arab FederationsMoralistic Democracy“الوطن الأكبر!”
196.The Federation of Antarctic SovereigntyCivil Rights Lovefest“Ad Astra per Glaciem!”
197.The Holy Empire of TritoskaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Motto...”
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