by Max Barry

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The Most Inclusive in Liberlandia

WA analysts ranked nations based on whether all citizens were commonly treated as equally valuable members of society.

As a region, Liberlandia is ranked 10,172nd in the world for Most Inclusive.

NationWorldMandela-Wollstonecraft Non-Discrimination Index
1.The Democratic Republic of North Admin Kylood3,132nd309.25
2.The Cooperatively Owned Republic of Gretarian7,274th223.29
3.The Serene Augustness of Hawkwas Sovustian8,365th210.27
4.The Federal Unity of Tomington10,711th187.94
5.The Holy Kaiserreich of Gotawa10,823rd186.95
6.The Republic of The Duck Island12,453rd175.92
7.The Kingdom of Neo-Numenor17,238th154.45
8.The Noahmadic Peoples of Mauritinia24,080th139.56
9.The Commonwealth of Naturezia25,409th137.65
10.The Rogue Nation of LSN4625,734th137.22
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