by Max Barry

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The Most Compassionate Citizens in Ambition

Exhaustive World Census tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.

As a region, Ambition is ranked 2,577th in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens.

NationWorldKitten Softness Rating
4,441.The Republic of Heart of My Wife254,529th38.75
4,442.The Queendom of Omori Yuko254,794th38.75
4,443.The Dictatorship of Lazy Sal256,832nd38.75
4,444.The Dictatorship of Reino do inferno257,565th38.75
4,445.The Deathly Calvary of Der Schwarze Reiter259,291st38.06
4,446.The Pizza Guy Straight One of Finn and Keran 2260,504th38.06
4,447.The Republic of Hell on Ice260,546th38.06
4,448.The Queendom of Mei Fujioka262,607th38.06
4,449.The Queendom of Fujioka Mei262,608th38.06
4,450.The Haunted Abandoned Store of Blockbuster Video264,665th37.37
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