by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Highest Wealthy Incomes in the World

The World Census studied the spending power of the richest 10% of citizens in each nation.

NationWA CategoryMotto
333,391.The Protectorate of Cat340Left-wing Utopia“One cat just leads to another.”
333,392.The Federal Republic of Tyler99Tyranny by Majority“Things explode”
333,393.The Protectorate of Cat378Left-wing Utopia“One cat just leads to another.”
333,394.The Uncle of Ho Chi MinhCorrupt Dictatorship“I only follow one party: the Vietnamese party”
333,395.The Prime States of PrimioPsychotic Dictatorship“Carpe diem”
333,396.The Nomadic Peoples of The Scarp HeapTyranny by Majority“Things explode”
333,397.The Nomadic Peoples of RenusteTyranny by Majority“Things explode”
333,398.The Free Land of AnarchistaninaLeft-wing Utopia“Death to the oppressors of the People!”
333,399.The Holy Orthodox Empire of Macedonian CrusaderPsychotic Dictatorship“IC † XC”
333,400.The Open Bin Fire UK of Making Plans for NigelLeft-wing Utopia“Paul Nuttall wasn't here, Nigel is not all there either”
«12. . .33,33733,33833,33933,34033,34133,34233,343. . .34,58234,583»