by Max Barry

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The Most Developed in Europe

The World Census compiles a "Human Development Index" by measuring citizens' average life expectancy, education, and income.

As a region, Europe is ranked 3,429th in the world for Most Developed.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Meme template enthusiast of Outer SpartaDemocratic Socialists“Promote and Preserve”
2.The Social Democracy of Super Happy LandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Live Superly Happy!”
3.The Federation of Northern Socialist StatesDemocratic Socialists“Res publica est prima et ultima.”
4.The Vinlandic Republic of FalvaardDemocratic Socialists“A life worth living”
5.The République of PopaholickLeft-Leaning College State“Pour la paix et l'égalité.”
6.The Autocratic Empire of WalfoLeft-wing Utopia“One flag, One land, One heart, One Nation Evermore!”
7.The Let's All Just Get Along of RaghallaighCivil Rights Lovefest“The more you take, the more you leave behind.”
8.The Final of The Champions LeagueLeft-wing Utopia“Unity, Liberty, Equality”
9.The People's Republic of InvernessiaLeft-wing Utopia“Football... Bloody Hell!”
10.The Empire and Commonwealth of AlameinLiberal Democratic Socialists“Fly like Swifts, fight like Falcons”
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