by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates

The Most Influential in Commonwealth of Liberty

World Census experts spent many evenings loitering in the corridors of power in order to determine which nations were the greatest international diplomacy heavyweights.

As a region, Commonwealth of Liberty is ranked 511th in the world for Most Influential.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The United States of ParamounticaCivil Rights Lovefest“E Pluribus Unum”
2.The Federative Republic of CanoviaDemocratic Socialists“Ordem e Progresso”
3.The Vth French Republic of Metropolitan FrancaisLeft-Leaning College State“Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité”
4.The Faroese Republic of Victoria HarborInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Tú alfagra land mítt”
5.The Alpine Republic of CascadlaCivil Rights Lovefest“One For All. All For One.”
6.The Nomadic Confederation of NarulthitLeft-Leaning College State“By the Wagon Wheel”
7.The Korean Kingdom of RutanniaLeft-Leaning College State“Bring benefit to humanity”
8.The Queendom of CeldonieInoffensive Centrist Democracy“United in Diversity”
9.The Chinese Peoples Republic of OsivoIIDemocratic Socialists“为人民服务! - Serve the People!”
10.The Greater Texas Republic of The Waste LandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Friendship”
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