by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Rudest Citizens in the World

World Census experts telephoned citizens from all nations at just before dinner time, in a study to determine which populations were most brash, rude, or brusque.

NationWA CategoryMotto
317,571.The Jingoistic States of New MoldoviaPsychotic Dictatorship“Слава Новой Молдавии!”
317,572.The Borderlands of VagkaIron Fist Consumerists“NationStates Friendship Moo Moon”
317,573.The Queendom of That one evil catPsychotic Dictatorship“Uh meow?”
317,574.The Nomadic Peoples of MiSidePsychotic Dictatorship“Peace and Justice”
317,575.The Dictatorship of PutincityPsychotic Dictatorship“Sharing is caring communism was right”
317,576.The United Kingdom of Eastern CordelliaPsychotic Dictatorship“We Will Endure”
317,577.The Protectorate of ZigamorphDemocratic Socialists“An Iron Fist in a velvet glove”
317,578.The Grimms Hollow of Isle AlexandraIron Fist Consumerists“Timor mortis conturbat me”
317,579.The United Commonwealth of FederoslaviaCorrupt Dictatorship“In defeat we come back stronger”
317,580.The Republic of Static Charge 19Psychotic Dictatorship“From Many, One”
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