by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Income Equality in the World

World Census boffins calculated the difference in incomes between the richest and poorest citizens, where a score of 50 would mean that poor incomes are 50% of rich incomes.

NationWA CategoryMotto
315,721.The Continental Empire of Greater KorinissiaCorporate Bordello“Glory, glory, glory”
315,722.The Nomadic Peoples of DjangoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Mission Accomplished”
315,723.The Holy Empire of RefianInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength Through Compliance”
315,724.The Rogue Nation of A basket case iCapitalist Paradise“And then she said its basket time and basketted all ov-”
315,725.The Republic of A basket case viiiRight-wing Utopia“And then she said its basket time and basketted all ov-”
315,726.The Federal Republic of Fvv73Iron Fist Consumerists“Rado”
315,727.The Holy Empire of -sigma-Capitalist Paradise“Sigma, sigma boy, sigma boy, sigma boy 🗿”
315,728.The Confederacy of New AlvaristanAnarchy“From Many, One”
315,729.The Nomadic Peoples of AncortilaCapitalizt“Through Blood and Dust We Prosper”
315,730.The Commonwealth of Trader PelicaniaCorporate Bordello“When life gives you lemons”
«12. . .31,57031,57131,57231,57331,57431,57531,576. . .34,63134,632»