by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Politically Free in the World

These nations allow citizens the greatest amount of freedom to select their own government.

NationWA CategoryMotto
317,591.The Democratic Republic of KalevaliaCorporate Police State“Työ opettaa työntekijää.”
317,592.The Incorporated States of Shadow companyCorrupt Dictatorship“Umbra Catervae (Shadow Group)”
317,593.The Nomadic Peoples of Crown VictoriaBenevolent Dictatorship“*police sirens*”
317,594.The Dominion of The United States of the Deep SouthCorporate Police State“Believe in God or else”
317,595.The Republic of The Senate and People of RomeCorporate Police State“Senatus Populusque Romanus”
317,596.The Republic of Centre KoreaFather Knows Best State“Wanna get out or in lets try”
317,597.The Republic of Terrible farming nation 35Iron Fist Consumerists“This is a terrible nation”
317,598.The Sultanate of ZioniaIron Fist Consumerists“God is cool”
317,599.The Republic of Silver-1Iron Fist Consumerists“4747474747”
317,600.The Commonwealth of NDR-00-501-BelizeCorporate Police State“NationStates”
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