Share Offer Ends:
NationStates Share Offer
NationStates Corporation Pty Ltd is going public! As a reward for loyal players, for a very limited time you may claim 1 free share in NationStates for every million citizens in your nation(s). More information...
The NationStates Share Offer has now closed.
Top Shareholders
Nation Lookup
Latest Trades
- Max barry (25,000,000) traded 25,000,000 shares to The NationStates Community (19,456,410).
- Mokawania (666,667) traded 666,666 shares to The Devil (0).
- Triganor (14,184) traded 14,184 shares to The NationStates Community (19,442,226).
- Vilita (359,450) traded 13,772 shares to The NationStates Community (19,428,454).
- Pacify (99) traded 99 shares to Sabre (0).
- Jurika City (19,411) traded 19,411 shares to Jurika Jinno (55,968).
Biggest Trades
- Max barry (25,000,000) traded 25,000,000 shares to The NationStates Community (19,456,410).
- Lyanna stark (10,206,108) traded 10,206,108 shares to The NationStates Community (1,000).
- Ballotonia (8,392,310) traded 8,392,310 shares to Lyanna stark (1,131).
- Sangchris (6,710,971) traded 6,710,971 shares to NewTexas (730,205).
- Elliston (6,532,120) traded 6,532,120 shares to Sangchris (0).
- Royal House of Windsor (6,267,159) traded 6,267,159 shares to Elliston (0).
- Lyanna stark (5,931,710) traded 5,931,710 shares to Ballotonia (2,460,600).
- Riemstagrad (5,914,991) traded 5,914,991 shares to Lyanna stark (0).
- ByzantineGlory (5,025,498) traded 5,025,497 shares to Macedonia ever greek (1).
- Lyanna stark (5,009,584) traded 5,009,584 shares to Riemstagrad (905,407).
- Ballotonia (6,772,322) traded 4,379,675 shares to Lyanna stark (0).
- Lyanna stark (4,379,675) traded 4,379,675 shares to Ballotonia (2,392,647).
- Crazy Kitty (2,981,418) traded 2,981,418 shares to Royal House of Windsor (500,666).
- BG of 01 ERE Alliance (2,703,629) traded 2,703,628 shares to ByzantineGlory (1).
- Earth (2,009,823) traded 2,009,823 shares to Lyanna stark (0).