by Max Barry

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IshikawahKhulnese Nations and Stuff517 Strikes55.5 RadiationDiodro
AfriqiyahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff63 Strikes0 RadiationSpeedyvpf
AfriqiyahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff75 Strikes0 RadiationSpeedyvpf
AfriqiyahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff115 Strikes0 RadiationSpeedyvpf
AequipoKhulnese Nations and Stuff71 Strikes17.75 RadiationVr-king
IshikawahKhulnese Nations and Stuff18 Strikes4.5 RadiationSpeedyvpf
SpanadahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff210 Strikes0 RadiationSpeedyvpf
AfriqiyahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff210 Strikes14.75 RadiationSpeedyvpf
SiameweKhulnese Nations and Stuff116 Strikes5.5 RadiationDiodro
SpanadahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff114 Strikes0 RadiationSpeedyvpf
SiameweKhulnese Nations and Stuff143 Strikes35.75 RadiationDiodro
AequipoKhulnese Nations and Stuff51 Strikes12.75 RadiationVr-king
SpanadahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff135 Strikes7.5 RadiationDiodro
SiameweKhulnese Nations and Stuff103 Strikes25.75 RadiationDiodro
SpanadahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff128 Strikes32 RadiationSpeedyvpf
AfriqiyahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff40 Strikes10 RadiationSpeedyvpf
AfriqiyahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff16 Strikes4 RadiationSpeedyvpf
SiameweKhulnese Nations and Stuff71 Strikes17.75 RadiationDiodro
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff153 Strikes0 RadiationSpeedyvpf
SpanadahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff87 Strikes21.75 RadiationDiodro
SiameweKhulnese Nations and Stuff61 Strikes15.25 RadiationDiodro
SpanadahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff65 Strikes16.25 RadiationDiodro
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff77 Strikes5 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff112 Strikes28 RadiationDiodro
SpanadahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff90 Strikes22.5 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Al kaunar alaanKhulnese Nations and Stuff46 Strikes11.5 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff52 Strikes13 RadiationDiodro
GiathioKhulnese Nations and Stuff40 Strikes10 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff24 Strikes6 RadiationSpeedyvpf
AfriqiyahaKhulnese Nations and Stuff35 Strikes8.75 RadiationSpeedyvpf
IshikawahKhulnese Nations and Stuff40 Strikes10 RadiationSpeedyvpf
IshikawahKhulnese Nations and Stuff88 Strikes22 RadiationDiodro
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff100 Strikes25 RadiationSpeedyvpf
GiathioKhulnese Nations and Stuff18 Strikes4.5 RadiationSpeedyvpf
AequipoKhulnese Nations and Stuff11 Strikes2.75 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff10 Strikes2.5 RadiationDiodro
IshikawahKhulnese Nations and Stuff31 Strikes7.75 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff40 Strikes10 RadiationSpeedyvpf
AequipoKhulnese Nations and Stuff56 Strikes14 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff24 Strikes6 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff5 Strikes1.25 RadiationVr-king
AequipoKhulnese Nations and Stuff6 Strikes1.5 RadiationVr-king
AequipoKhulnese Nations and Stuff10 Strikes2.5 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff8 Strikes2 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff2 Strikes0.5 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff1 Strike0.25 RadiationSpeedyvpf
Morioka cityKhulnese Nations and Stuff1 Strike0.25 RadiationDiodro
IshikawahKhulnese Nations and Stuff1 Strike0.25 RadiationDiodro
AequipoKhulnese Nations and Stuff1 Strike0.25 RadiationDiodro
AequipoKhulnese Nations and Stuff1 Strike0.25 RadiationSpeedyvpf


Each nuke that Strikes its target generates 0.25% Radiation, up to a maximum of 100%.

Strikes on a fully irradiated nation do not count toward the total.

Radiation slows the rate of new Production. A 100% irradiated nation cannot generate any Production.
