by Max Barry

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Nations of Sunset Shimmer

  1. The Zombie Apocalypse of TriseriaE
  2. The Progressive Republic of River PoniesI
  3. The People's Republic of PrywhenS
  4. The Kingdom of Imperium CrystaleE
  5. The Yak republic of Jaki-ClanS
  6. The Republic of Mare-LandS
  7. The Protectorate of Froggy Bottom BogM
  8. The Rocky Republic of Rambling Rock RidgeS
  9. The Alicorn Triumvirate of Western EquestriaE
  10. The Protectorate of Foal MountainS
  11. The Holy Site of PonehengeE
  12. The Protectorate of Tall TaleE
  13. The Tribal Nation of Smokey MountainsM
  14. The Tiny Kingdom of BreeziesM
  15. The Watery Republic of Neighagra FallsI
  16. The Oceanside Republic of Seaward ShoalsE
  17. The Lame name of StratusbergS
  18. The Republic of Hope HollowS
  19. The Protectorate of Canter CreekE
  20. The Protectorate of MonacoltI
  21. The Another Nation of Another TownM
  22. The Protectorate of MustangiaS
  23. The Protectorate of MaretaniaM
  24. The Protectorate of Shire LankaS
  25. The Protectorate of OrshabI
  26. The Protectorate of AquastriaS
  27. The Protectorate of ZorgarthI
  28. The Protectorate of Horseshoe BayM
  29. The Protectorate of Luna BayE
  30. The Protectorate of The All-knowing ChairI
  31. The Protectorate of Celestial NationE
  32. The Protectorate of Lunar NationM
  33. The Protectorate of I am running out of namesI
  34. The Protectorate of I have too many puppetsE
  35. The Protectorate of Imperial FaretatidevonttistroE
  36. The Protectorate of Greater Crystal EmpireE
  37. The Protectorate of Great GriffoniaS
  38. The Protectorate of The The KindM
  39. The Protectorate of For SweetieM
  40. The Imperialist Propagandist of BronyleaderS
  41. The Empire of Newer SolarM
  42. The Republic of New ZebricaS
  43. The Republic of The Beans at 3amS
  44. The Republic of I like My Little PonyE
  45. The Principality of Anyway Come to TrotconE
  46. The Republic of Canterlot GardenS
  47. The Republic of HorsewordersS
  48. The Republic of You are amazingE
  49. The Republic of Anakin has the high groundE
  50. The Republic of Giant CupholderM
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