by Max Barry

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Nations of Northern Kerbalia

  1. The Semi-Constitutional Monarchy of AlinekM
  2. The Empire of ApacinaS
  3. The Dominion of AschingeM
  4. The Dominion of CyriunE
  5. The Galaxy of Opportunity of KotN Roleplay FounderI
  6. The Free Land of PootsS
  7. The Dominion of The Vehicle AssemblyM
  8. The Republic of Farmer the FirstE
  9. The Republic of Farmer the SecondS
  10. The Republic of Farmer the ThirdM
  11. The Republic of Farmer the FourthM
  12. The Republic of Farmer the FifthM
  13. The Republic of Farmer the SixthE
  14. The Republic of Farmer the SeventhM
  15. The Republic of Farmer the EighthE
  16. The Republic of Farmer the NinthS
  17. The Republic of Farmer the TenthM
  18. The Principality of UtqiagvikS
  19. The Republic of AlienkM
  20. The Community of The Northern KerbalM
  21. The Republic of Farmer the EleventhI
  22. The Republic of Farmer the TwelfthM
  23. The Republic of Farmer the ThirteenthS
  24. The Republic of Farmer the FourteenthM
  25. The Republic of Farmer the FifteenthE
  26. The Republic of Farmer the SixteenthE
  27. The Republic of Farmer the SeventeenthE
  28. The Republic of Farmer the EighteenthE
  29. The Republic of Farmer the NineteenthE
  30. The Republic of Farmer the TwentiethE
  31. The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-firstS
  32. The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-secondE
  33. The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-thirdE
  34. The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-fourthE
  35. The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-fifthS
  36. The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-sixthS
  37. The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-seventhS
  38. The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-eighthE
  39. The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-ninthM
  40. The Republic of Farmer the ThirtiethS
  41. The Protectorate of Repurposed KerbalsS
  42. The Republic of Farmer the Thirty-firstM
  43. The Federation of CyintoE
  44. The Allied States of NiomeniaM
  45. The Community of TerraGenesisM
  46. The Republic of Lank MuhashilameS
  47. The People's Republic of TiandengxiE
  48. The Commonwealth of ForstrationI
  49. The Little 'ol thing of ConvoyI
  50. The Republic of X-15S
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