Targeted Nukes take some time to become READY. They can then be launched. While in flight, they can be shot down by any other nation using Shield or by the Faction Shieldbank.
- : The Wright Institute West Coast Coalition 5 Strikes on Best nationnn Homander
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 63 Strikes on Best nationnn Homander
- : The Wright Institute West Coast Coalition 500 Launches at Best nationnn Homander
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 16 Strikes on Best nationnn Homander
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 1 Target on Best nationnn Homander
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 1 Target on Best nationnn Homander
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 1 Target on Best nationnn Homander
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 6 Targets on Best nationnn Homander
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 12 Targets on Best nationnn Homander
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 252 Launches at Best nationnn Homander
- : Chrowzed Naurordia Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 50 Shield defending Best nationnn Homander from Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 112 Launches at Best nationnn Homander
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 252 Targets on Best nationnn Homander
- : Kors Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 27 Strikes on Wirstonia Homander
- : Wirstonia Homander 2 Shield defending Wirstonia Homander from Kors Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Nova Polydria Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 112 Targets on Best nationnn Homander
- : The Wright Institute West Coast Coalition 500 Targets on Best nationnn Homander
- : Wirstonia Homander 2 Shield defending Wirstonia Homander from Kors Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Wirstonia Homander 1 Shield defending Wirstonia Homander from Kors Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Wirstonia Homander 280 Shield defending Wirstonia Homander from Kors Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Kors Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 465 Launches at Wirstonia Homander
- : Vaal Hazak Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 102 Shield defending Confirmation test four Buckingham Palace from Wirstonia Homander
- : Queen Elizabeth I Buckingham Palace 16 Shield defending Confirmation test four Buckingham Palace from Wirstonia Homander
- : Wirstonia Homander 118 Launches at Confirmation test four Buckingham Palace
- : Kors Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 465 Targets on Wirstonia Homander
- : Wirstonia Homander 118 Targets on Confirmation test four Buckingham Palace
- : SHIELDBANK 31 Shield defending Akirak Nuke 'em all! from Wirstonia Homander
- : Wirstonia Homander 31 Launches at Akirak Nuke 'em all!
- : Wirstonia Homander 31 Targets on Akirak Nuke 'em all!
- : Sakune Republic The Rain of Fire 7 Strikes on Wirstonia Homander
- : Sakune Republic The Rain of Fire 28 Launches at Wirstonia Homander
- : Sakune Republic The Rain of Fire 28 Targets on Wirstonia Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 13 Strikes on Wirstonia Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 11 Strikes on Wirstonia Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 50 Launches at Wirstonia Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 44 Launches at Wirstonia Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 50 Targets on Wirstonia Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 44 Targets on Wirstonia Homander
- : Tubrita NBP Nuclear Task Force 13 Shield defending Best nationnn Homander from New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 13 Launches at Best nationnn Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 13 Targets on Best nationnn Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 1 Strike on Best nationnn Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 1 Strike on Wirstonia Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 3 Launches at Wirstonia Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 3 Launches at Best nationnn Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 3 Targets on Best nationnn Homander
- : New Daleton Nuclear Chocolate Alliance 3 Targets on Wirstonia Homander
- : Rad Russia The Radical Civic Union 16 Strikes on Best nationnn Homander
- : Rad Russia The Radical Civic Union 62 Launches at Best nationnn Homander
- : Rad Russia The Radical Civic Union 24 Strikes on Wirstonia Homander