by Max Barry

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«12. . .75767778798081. . .8687»

The Asmorian Dominion wrote:

Done. I have divided the system in two colors. As a faction in the UCP-color and as a "conflict" in a new color with the description: Asmorian Government in Exile.

Then we will discuss the other three systems when people gets back on. They have been colored orange with "The Asmorian Crisis".

The Asmorian Dominion wrote:Since staying a member of the ucp, can I still vote?


Histarctica wrote:ANNOUNCEMENT

The Confederation has since November established a consulate with the Empire of Avaldonia, as this has not yet resulted in a full embassy, ​​this diplomatic connection is instead represented by the UCP-Consulate.










4 November 2024



region is part of a military or defence alliance with UCP

region has very good relations with UCP and may have agreements with UCP

region has good relations with UCP

region has an embassy with UCP

region has an embassy with UCP but relations are poor





30 June 2024


30 June 2024


30 June 2024


30 June 2024


30 June 2024


30 June 2024


30 June 2024


30 June 2024


1 July 2024


1 July 2024


1 July 2024


2 July 2024


2 July 2024


2 July 2024


3 July 2024


3 July 2024


6 July 2024


10 July 2024


10 July 2024


11 July 2024


14 July 2024


15 July 2024


20 July 2024


24 July 2024


24 July 2024


28 July 2024


4 August 2024


7 August 2024


9 August 2024


10 August 2024


13 August 2024


1 September 2024


6 September 2024


21 September 2024


30 September 2024


1 October 2024


3 October 2024


4 October 2024


9 October 2024


26 October 2024


29 October 2024


29 October 2024


7 November 2024


4 December 2024


7 December 2024


27 December 2024


2 January 2025


2 January 2025


5 January 2025


13 January 2025


26 January 2025


6 February 2025



region is part of a military or defence alliance with UCP

region has very good relations with UCP and may have agreements with UCP

region has good relations with UCP

region has an embassy with UCP

region has an embassy with UCP but relations are poor





24 August 2024

31 August 2024

Dissolvement of Region

2 July 2024

18 September 2024

Decision by UCP

1 July 2024

4 October 2024

Dissolvement of Region

3 July 2024

4 October 2024

Lost Contact with Region

1 July 2024

9. October 2024

Decision by UCP

30 June 2024

9. October 2024

Decision by UCP

1 July 2024

9. October 2024

Decision by MJT

12 September 2024

14 October 2024


4 July 2024

1. November 2024

Decision by New Oracle

21 July 2024

4 November 2024

Decision by UCP

3 July 2024

4 November 2024

Decision by UCP

4 July 2024

4 November 2024

Decision by UCP

2 August 2024

4 November 2024

Decision by UCP

30 June 2024

4 November 2024

Decision by UCP

2 August 2024

4 November 2024

Decision by UCP

30 June 2024

4 November 2024

Decision by UCP

30 June 2024

4 November 2024

Decision by UCP

15 September 2024

5 November 2024

Decision by UCP

30 June 2024

5 November 2024

Decision by UCP

2 July 2024

15 November 2024

Dissolvement of Region

2 July 2024

28 November 2024


24 July 2024

28 November 2024


5 November 2024

3 December 2024

Decision by La Hira

2 July 2024

11 January 2024

Decision by UCP

22 November 2024

1 February 2025

Dissolvement of Region

30 June 2024

3 February 2025

Decision by UCP

Return to Government Page

Read factbook

The Secretariat for Diplomacy has also sent an ambassador to our allies in Asmor. UCP-Ambassador to Asmor

The Faerun Dominion wrote:Please refrain from ot for we are trying to achieve peace.

For as each party is peace, the parliament will refrain from going to war.

Welcome Hantorjaia to the United Confederation of Planets.

You may have already received a welcome telegram, but please feel free to post on the Regional Message Board or contact the Confederate Government regarding your membership of the Confederacy.

Otherwise, we wish you a pleasant stay and welcome you to participate in our many discussions and activities.


(How to become a Member of the United Confederation)

Recent dialogue has been interesting.

What I'd say is the Faerun Dominion could occupy one of these planets (same colour but almost completely self ruling).

The Gabiosian Conflict
As of recent diplomatic developments in the region the Faerun Dominion,due to recent talks with Whiskany and the Confederate government, would stop sending arms to the Gabiosian Government and start to pressure them significantly to initiate a ceasefire with the warriors of gol and request Whiskany do the same to the warriors of gol,citing recent talks and saying that any alternative to diplomacy in this situation would be bad and diplomacy is now needed more than ever.

The Faerun Dominion wrote:Recent dialogue has been interesting.

What I'd say is the Faerun Dominion could occupy one of these planets (same colour but almost completely self ruling).

The Gabiosian Conflict
As of recent diplomatic developments in the region the Faerun Dominion,due to recent talks with Whiskany and the Confederate government, would stop sending arms to the Gabiosian Government and start to pressure them significantly to initiate a ceasefire with the warriors of gol and request Whiskany do the same to the warriors of gol,citing recent talks and saying that any alternative to diplomacy in this situation would be bad and diplomacy is now needed more than ever.

OOC: I actually have a nice RP-event for those systems, waiting for Whiskany, however.

Histarctica wrote:Then it is almost a matter of secession from the Confederation. Histarctica has long considered Asmor an ally and a good Confederate member - but we consider this indication of secession as dangerous, and would like to hear from the rest of the Confederation and Government.

Perhaps we can talk about some autonomous rights due to Asmor's political situation and crisis, but for now it is only considerations.

Regarding the three remaining star systems, a proposal could be that Arietis with the former main planet Asmoria Prime goes to Whiskany but that for example Arietis and LonVar are transferred to Histarctica and The Faerun Dominion respectively.

But the Histarctican Delegation is open to suggestions and discussion.

With the resignation of the Speaker of the Senate, an election on this will also soon be necessary.

Since this seemed to be a point of contention, I am ok with this. Amorian Prime will now be know as Sithari.

My mining forces on LonVar will continue production as scheduled as they are predating this seperation and should be grandfathered in.

Histarctica wrote:OOC: I actually have a nice RP-event for those systems, waiting for Whiskany, however.

I am in agreement and will be doing the same.

Whiskany wrote:I am in agreement and will be doing the same.

I will put together a news story tomorrow.

RIP The Unitary State of Erudito you will be missed as a confederate member.


Chaos, Conflict, and Confederate Challenges in the Agalun Sector

The Fall of Asmor and Confederate Crisis
The once strong confederate member state of Asmor (The Asmorian Dominion has suffered a dramatic political collapse. The incumbent government has fled into exile to the far off confederate system of Galanthus, leaving the Asmorian home systems of Arietis, LonVar, and the main system of Sins in a state of rebellion and chaos.

Despite efforts to restore order, confederate forces led by Whiskany, Histarctica, and The Faerun Dominion have achieved only limited success. The most significant milestone is Whiskany's efforts to stabilize the planet Amorian Prime, now renamed Sithari, in the Sins system. But even here, control is far from secure, and the entire region remains unstable.

Piracy has flourished in the vacuum left by the fall of Asmor. Smugglers and criminal factions are exploiting the situation to carry out attacks on merchant ships and settlements, exacerbating the already fragile situation in the three star systems.

Gabiosian Civil War: From War to Fragile Peace?
After long debates, the UCP has finally issued an official declaration on the Gabiosian Civil War. This has had a noticeable effect, as the fighting now appears to have stopped somewhat.

However, the peace is extremely fragile, and the way forward is uncertain. Negotiations between the warring parties are fraught with distrust and internal disputes. Observers assess that a stable peace requires a massive effort from the UCP and other diplomatic actors in the sector. The question is whether the resources and will to do so are present.

A Sector in Crisis
The Agalun sector is on the verge of chaos. The UCP is today marked by political disagreements, but not without reason. Threats to the sector are mounting, and the great power struggles to maintain its influence.

The League of Free People, known for their extensive piracy, are wreaking havoc in the outer colonies and disrupting vital trade routes. Their attacks are destabilizing the region and casting doubt on the UCP’s ability to secure the sector. Meanwhile, the Lacon Empire, once a shadow of its former self, appears to be regaining its strength and ambition for dominance.

A new, mysterious threat has also manifested itself. The Hive of Darunia, an unknown and collective civilization, is moving closer to the Agalun Sector, raising questions about their intentions.

And amidst all this, lurks the question of the so-called Ancients, an enigmatic and ancient power. Their presence is difficult to define, but rumors and sightings suggest that their influence could have far-reaching consequences for the future of Agalun.


- League of Free People [NPC] has been given a color on the star map.
- The Sins Star System (6T/6G) has been given to Whiskany, the LonVar Star System (1T/0G) to The Faerun Dominion and the Arietis Star System (5T/1G) to Histarctica; but all three systems are "disputed".
- On the map the three systems has the following description: System disputed. System under UCP sphere of influence. Piracy significant in system (League of Free People).











Planet Histarctica

Cezza Star System (3T/1G)
Elm Star System (0T/1G)
Finnus Star System (1T/3G)
Ashias Star System (0T/2G)
Arietis Star System (5T/1G) (system disputed)

The Faerun Dominion



Planet Faerun

Faros Star System (2T/2G)
Atheros Star System (1T/0G)
LonVar Star System (1T/0G) (system disputed)

Resante Belan

Human, Blue Repitlian, Yuitan

Resante Belan

Royal Planet

Resante Belan Star System (9T/1G)

The Asmorian Dominion




Galanthus Star System (7T/5G)




Planet Dromund Kaas

Dromund Star System (4T/2G)
Volatia Star System (2T/3G)
Ventrias Prime Star System (4T/2G)
Bane-Yuktu Star System (4T/1G)
Toshinic Star System (5T/2G)
Svolten Star System (2T/3G)
Sins Star System (6T/6G) (system disputed)

The Martian Realm



Planet Vesuvius Aa

Vesuvius Star System (2T/3G)
Cecarius Star System (3T/1G)

Zaxion 6



Planet Zaxion 6

Zaxion Star System (5T/4G)




Planet Earth-02

U-192 Star System (4T/7G)

Zordsworn State



Planet Zypso

Qualisha Star System (3T/2G)

Of seven suns

Light People

Holy Temple

Planet Sola

Holy Temple Star System (3T/2G)

Inter-Planetary Golden Harp



Pláinéad Taidhleoireachta CAP
(artificial planet)



(Ice Species / Principal Species)
(Lava Species)


Planet Aganin

Orniang Star System (6T/3G)

The Unitary State of Erudito



Planet Ark-A

Cizena Star System (3T/3G)

T = Terrestrial Planet
G = Gas Giant

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Read factbook



(works best on PC)


The focus of the roleplay and the United Confederation of Planets is the Agalun Sector, located in a galaxy similar to our own.

The roleplay focus on politics, economics and interaction between the member systems of the UCP consisting of a variety of species, as well as space exploration and the encounter with friendly and hostile alien space civilizations.

The roleplay gives the individual player great freedom in developing and forming their space nation, its people, government, culture and so on. However, we expect - collectively - that things will be kept moderate and subdued as far as possible in order to make room for all degrees of activity and diversity in each of our approach to this region and roleplay.


By following the above link to the star map, you will be forwarded to an external page with a map divided into 20x20 hexagons. Some of the hexagons have white dots in the middle and/or are connected to a colored line.

The white dots symbolize a star system. By clicking on a white dot, the star system's name, possible affiliation and other information about the system will appear.

The lines symbolize established routes or long-distance interstellar space routes, which enable fast travel between the systems the route passes through. The colors indicate the affiliation of the route in question, if the route is white, it is either a natural or disputed route.

Space travel that does not take place on an established space route therefore takes much longer to complete, and far from optimal for mortals, which means that establishing and discovering of space routes is highly valuable. However, a star system adjacent to another star system is much easier and faster to access than if there is a blank hexagon between the star systems - and if two neighboring star systems are either in the same faction or both have reached the space tech, then fast space travel will automatically be an option.


United Confederation of Planets _____

All residents of this region who wish to participate in the roleplay will become members of the confederation upon official registration and acceptance.

The Lacon Empire [NPC] _____

The Lacon Empire, is a humanoid space technological and military species which has established itself as a strong regional power in the Agalun Sector from their home star system of Coldec.

The Hive of Darunia [NPC] _____

An insect-like species that, from its hive in the Cassia star system, is apparently friendly and very nature-oriented. However, much is unknown about Darunia, and it is not yet known whether Cassia is their home or simply a colony in a much larger star realm.

The Gabios Federation [NPC] _____

From their homeworld in the star system of Vlux, on the outer edge of the sector, the humanoid Gabios Federation has established itself as a minor mainly economic and trade oriented power.

The Warriors of Gol [NPC] _____

The Warriors of Gol, is a Gabiosian military-authoritarian rebel movement that, in anger at the "socially corrupt and pacifist leadership" of the Gabios Federation, has established itself in the star system of Gol in direct conflict with the established system of the Gabios Federation.

The Ancients [NPC] _____

The Ancients, a dormant giant, or a superpower that does not consider the rest of the "civilized" space nations of the Agalun Sector for being significant. Not much is known about the so-called "Ancients", other than that they have a third of the sector under their control, and perhaps the Agalun Sector is just an outer colony sector of a much larger ancient empire?

The League of Free People [NPC] _____

The League of Free People, also known as the Space Pirates, is a loose association of several groups and factions of idealists, rebels, criminals, and other people dissatisfied with the situation and society in the Agalun Sector. The League is based primarily in and around the systems of the United Confederation of Planets.

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Read factbook

UCP-News wrote:UCP-News

Chaos, Conflict, and Confederate Challenges in the Agalun Sector

The Fall of Asmor and Confederate Crisis
The once strong confederate member state of Asmor (The Asmorian Dominion has suffered a dramatic political collapse. The incumbent government has fled into exile to the far off confederate system of Galanthus, leaving the Asmorian home systems of Arietis, LonVar, and the main system of Sins in a state of rebellion and chaos.

Despite efforts to restore order, confederate forces led by Whiskany, Histarctica, and The Faerun Dominion have achieved only limited success. The most significant milestone is Whiskany's efforts to stabilize the planet Amorian Prime, now renamed Sithari, in the Sins system. But even here, control is far from secure, and the entire region remains unstable.

Piracy has flourished in the vacuum left by the fall of Asmor. Smugglers and criminal factions are exploiting the situation to carry out attacks on merchant ships and settlements, exacerbating the already fragile situation in the three star systems.

Gabiosian Civil War: From War to Fragile Peace?
After long debates, the UCP has finally issued an official declaration on the Gabiosian Civil War. This has had a noticeable effect, as the fighting now appears to have stopped somewhat.

However, the peace is extremely fragile, and the way forward is uncertain. Negotiations between the warring parties are fraught with distrust and internal disputes. Observers assess that a stable peace requires a massive effort from the UCP and other diplomatic actors in the sector. The question is whether the resources and will to do so are present.

A Sector in Crisis
The Agalun sector is on the verge of chaos. The UCP is today marked by political disagreements, but not without reason. Threats to the sector are mounting, and the great power struggles to maintain its influence.

The League of Free People, known for their extensive piracy, are wreaking havoc in the outer colonies and disrupting vital trade routes. Their attacks are destabilizing the region and casting doubt on the UCP’s ability to secure the sector. Meanwhile, the Lacon Empire, once a shadow of its former self, appears to be regaining its strength and ambition for dominance.

A new, mysterious threat has also manifested itself. The Hive of Darunia, an unknown and collective civilization, is moving closer to the Agalun Sector, raising questions about their intentions.

And amidst all this, lurks the question of the so-called Ancients, an enigmatic and ancient power. Their presence is difficult to define, but rumors and sightings suggest that their influence could have far-reaching consequences for the future of Agalun.

Whiskanian Mining Forces (WMF) are present on LonVar and will continue operating at full capacity. Mines will not be abandoned as they predate the secession for the LonVar system. We will happily work with The Faerun Dominion on an agreement. We hope that you respect the original agreement with Asmor as your own and I am happy to negotiate with you for this. But for now we will continue as normal.

Piracy on Sithari or Whiskanian mining operation on LonVar will be met with swift force. Our Dark Lord will happily enjoy the dispatch of these groups with his powers.

Gambling here
costs one uncommon card(send to The Celtic Embassy Manager) to win the grand prize, otherwise you will just win tokens.

The Asmor Dominion.

Would you like Rj805serean forces? We could enforce Martial law.

UCP-News wrote:UCP-News

Chaos, Conflict, and Confederate Challenges in the Agalun Sector

The Fall of Asmor and Confederate Crisis
The once strong confederate member state of Asmor (The Asmorian Dominion has suffered a dramatic political collapse. The incumbent government has fled into exile to the far off confederate system of Galanthus, leaving the Asmorian home systems of Arietis, LonVar, and the main system of Sins in a state of rebellion and chaos.

Despite efforts to restore order, confederate forces led by Whiskany, Histarctica, and The Faerun Dominion have achieved only limited success. The most significant milestone is Whiskany's efforts to stabilize the planet Amorian Prime, now renamed Sithari, in the Sins system. But even here, control is far from secure, and the entire region remains unstable.

Piracy has flourished in the vacuum left by the fall of Asmor. Smugglers and criminal factions are exploiting the situation to carry out attacks on merchant ships and settlements, exacerbating the already fragile situation in the three star systems.

Gabiosian Civil War: From War to Fragile Peace?
After long debates, the UCP has finally issued an official declaration on the Gabiosian Civil War. This has had a noticeable effect, as the fighting now appears to have stopped somewhat.

However, the peace is extremely fragile, and the way forward is uncertain. Negotiations between the warring parties are fraught with distrust and internal disputes. Observers assess that a stable peace requires a massive effort from the UCP and other diplomatic actors in the sector. The question is whether the resources and will to do so are present.

A Sector in Crisis
The Agalun sector is on the verge of chaos. The UCP is today marked by political disagreements, but not without reason. Threats to the sector are mounting, and the great power struggles to maintain its influence.

The League of Free People, known for their extensive piracy, are wreaking havoc in the outer colonies and disrupting vital trade routes. Their attacks are destabilizing the region and casting doubt on the UCP’s ability to secure the sector. Meanwhile, the Lacon Empire, once a shadow of its former self, appears to be regaining its strength and ambition for dominance.

A new, mysterious threat has also manifested itself. The Hive of Darunia, an unknown and collective civilization, is moving closer to the Agalun Sector, raising questions about their intentions.

And amidst all this, lurks the question of the so-called Ancients, an enigmatic and ancient power. Their presence is difficult to define, but rumors and sightings suggest that their influence could have far-reaching consequences for the future of Agalun.

The RTOH had been deployed to the Serian coastal regions, where pirates were thriving off raiding shipping lanes and extorting local villages. Funded heavily under a secret military contract, the task force integrated Sabotage Units and Contact Squads, combining stealth with brutal efficiency.


Scene 1: Infiltration

A small RTOH unit led by Commander Igor Yashin moved through the dense mangrove swamps under the cover of night. Their target was a pirate supply depot hidden deep within the jungle. Igor spoke quietly into his comms:

"Approaching the supply depot. Night vision on. No mistakes."

Behind him, two Sabotage Unit operatives prepared silent charges to rig the depot's fuel and ammunition storage. The rest of the team held position, ready to engage if things went loud.

Minutes later, the operatives withdrew as the charges counted down. A massive explosion ripped through the depot, sending flames into the sky and scattering panicked pirates into the jungle.

"Phase one complete. Move to extraction point," Igor ordered, satisfaction clear in his tone.

Scene 2: Direct Contact

Days later, a heavily armed pirate fleet attempted to regroup and retaliate, believing their stronghold on the nearby island of Tuvana was secure. RTOH's Contact Squad had other plans.

As the pirates docked, a disguised RTOH operative among the dock workers activated a beacon, signaling the task force's strike team. Within minutes, RTOH boats—fitted with stealth technology—surged into the harbor.

Igor stood at the helm of the lead boat, barking commands. "Suppress the main gun emplacements. Neutralize their leaders."

The strike was surgical. RTOH snipers picked off key targets, while ground teams stormed the pirate compound. The pirates fought back fiercely, but they were no match for the task force's superior training and firepower. By dawn, Tuvana was under RTOH control.


Scene 3: Message Delivered

RTOH's efficiency had sent a chilling message across the region. Local governments, impressed by the results, doubled their funding to the task force.

Meanwhile, the Serian terrorists within RTOH reveled in their effectiveness. They had not only crushed piracy but also gained invaluable experience for future operations, a development that would certainly unsettle neighboring nations.

The RTOH group has persisted since 2060 and remained a large part of Rj805sere since the attacks of '82. This attack involved the use of a secret weapon that wiped the planet out. The weapon called the Svetch Sun. This weapon has a new and improved version. In Rj805sere they have recently gotten funding and they currently own 6 Nuclear weapons and a Svetch Sun they stole from Draconian Transport. They have 7.2 Million Members and are Armed with mostly new weaponry. They engage on civilian vessels and barely ever attack the government after the effects of 82. Though they do still steal government secrets.
Read dispatch

Rj208 wrote:The Asmor Dominion.

Would you like Rj805serean forces? We could enforce Martial law.

It isn't necessary, said territories were surrendered knowingly.

Also please tag The Dominion of The Asmorian Kingdom or The Asmorian Dominion in future messages.

The Asmor Dominion wrote:It isn't necessary, said territories were surrendered knowingly.

Also please tag The Dominion of The Asmorian Kingdom or The Asmorian Dominion in future messages.

Yes I just realized my spelling mistake, I ment asmorian.

Hey guys, I am hosting an event on friday 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM on the RMB. It's about new year resolutions an I encourage you to come!

Whiskany wrote:Whiskanian Mining Forces (WMF) are present on LonVar and will continue operating at full capacity. Mines will not be abandoned as they predate the secession for the LonVar system. We will happily work with The Faerun Dominion on an agreement. We hope that you respect the original agreement with Asmor as your own and I am happy to negotiate with you for this. But for now we will continue as normal.

operation can continue,but if any ecklusive resource rights had been agreed that part is invalid and they will be subject of your regular taxation.

UCP-News wrote:UCP-News

Chaos, Conflict, and Confederate Challenges in the Agalun Sector

The Fall of Asmor and Confederate Crisis
The once strong confederate member state of Asmor (The Asmorian Dominion has suffered a dramatic political collapse. The incumbent government has fled into exile to the far off confederate system of Galanthus, leaving the Asmorian home systems of Arietis, LonVar, and the main system of Sins in a state of rebellion and chaos.

Despite efforts to restore order, confederate forces led by Whiskany, Histarctica, and The Faerun Dominion have achieved only limited success. The most significant milestone is Whiskany's efforts to stabilize the planet Amorian Prime, now renamed Sithari, in the Sins system. But even here, control is far from secure, and the entire region remains unstable.

Piracy has flourished in the vacuum left by the fall of Asmor. Smugglers and criminal factions are exploiting the situation to carry out attacks on merchant ships and settlements, exacerbating the already fragile situation in the three star systems.

Gabiosian Civil War: From War to Fragile Peace?
After long debates, the UCP has finally issued an official declaration on the Gabiosian Civil War. This has had a noticeable effect, as the fighting now appears to have stopped somewhat.

However, the peace is extremely fragile, and the way forward is uncertain. Negotiations between the warring parties are fraught with distrust and internal disputes. Observers assess that a stable peace requires a massive effort from the UCP and other diplomatic actors in the sector. The question is whether the resources and will to do so are present.

A Sector in Crisis
The Agalun sector is on the verge of chaos. The UCP is today marked by political disagreements, but not without reason. Threats to the sector are mounting, and the great power struggles to maintain its influence.

The League of Free People, known for their extensive piracy, are wreaking havoc in the outer colonies and disrupting vital trade routes. Their attacks are destabilizing the region and casting doubt on the UCP’s ability to secure the sector. Meanwhile, the Lacon Empire, once a shadow of its former self, appears to be regaining its strength and ambition for dominance.

A new, mysterious threat has also manifested itself. The Hive of Darunia, an unknown and collective civilization, is moving closer to the Agalun Sector, raising questions about their intentions.

And amidst all this, lurks the question of the so-called Ancients, an enigmatic and ancient power. Their presence is difficult to define, but rumors and sightings suggest that their influence could have far-reaching consequences for the future of Agalun.

The Fall of Asmor would come as a surprise to the Faerun Dominion. Quickly an expeditionary force would be assembled along with battlegroup Yovraghan and Jugrandra,primarily consisting of normal army units along with the battalions of S.O.D.A.S.T that had fought in the Gabiosian civil war,all sent to LonVar and as soon as they enter the system they had to skirmish several times before landing forces on the surface. After securing major settlements and beginning to set up local defenses,the goal being to prevent pirate expansion and start counter piracy operations with S.O.D.A.S.T battalions,The government would decide,with some of the local leaders giving information on their situation,to have military units assist local law inforcement in inforcing law,combat engineers help in construction and reconstruction along with the government starting to send significant funding to help the local government develop their infrastructure and businesses,as part of the overal strategy to stabilize the planet and remove the terrorist pirates.

Reports would come back to the Faerun Dominion of the Hive of Darunia, the reports from the Ocule Tenebria would reveal detailed Darunian bugs and their extensive terraforming capabilities along with incredible coordination that made scientist in the Faerun Dominion suggest it could be a hivemind,this information along with previously gathered info would be released to fellow governments of the UCP.

The Asmor Dominion wrote:It isn't necessary, said territories were surrendered knowingly.

Also please tag The Dominion of The Asmorian Kingdom or The Asmorian Dominion in future messages.

Is there a possibility to know this new government with Rj805serean interference?

Rj208 wrote:Is there a possibility to know this new government with Rj805serean interference?

I don't understand the question. Can you explain please

The Faerun Dominion wrote:operation can continue,but if any ecklusive resource rights had been agreed that part is invalid and they will be subject of your regular taxation.

The Fall of Asmor would come as a surprise to the Faerun Dominion. Quickly an expeditionary force would be assembled along with battlegroup Yovraghan and Jugrandra,primarily consisting of normal army units along with the battalions of S.O.D.A.S.T that had fought in the Gabiosian civil war,all sent to LonVar and as soon as they enter the system they had to skirmish several times before landing forces on the surface. After securing major settlements and beginning to set up local defenses,the goal being to prevent pirate expansion and start counter piracy operations with S.O.D.A.S.T battalions,The government would decide,with some of the local leaders giving information on their situation,to have military units assist local law inforcement in inforcing law,combat engineers help in construction and reconstruction along with the government starting to send significant funding to help the local government develop their infrastructure and businesses,as part of the overal strategy to stabilize the planet and remove the terrorist pirates.

Reports would come back to the Faerun Dominion of the Hive of Darunia, the reports from the Ocule Tenebria would reveal detailed Darunian bugs and their extensive terraforming capabilities along with incredible coordination that made scientist in the Faerun Dominion suggest it could be a hivemind,this information along with previously gathered info would be released to fellow governments of the UCP.

I am open to negotiate the terms as we had exclusive control over the mining regions on LonVar and maintain this control. This was through a free trade deal with Asmor so we will want to negotiate this as my plan is to maintain until an agreeable decision is reached. I am open to adjustments but I implore you to look at what we can off you with this.

«12. . .75767778798081. . .8687»
