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s/skateboarding/surfing ?
Kinstantia and Medoll
Well, I had no idea, again, this was the crazy result of an issue's answer, but I suppose that surfing could be as well. Issues around here sure are bent on skateboarding with no real mention of surfing. Perhaps I should suggest one.
I think there may be a skateboarding industry variable or something.
Glad to make embassy with your region.
Welcome! It's quiet here, so feel free to drop pebbles into the still pond if you feel like it. :D
*Throws skipping stone*
*Gets hit upside the head with a stone while swimming* Oh, howdy! :D
*beams a group of scientists down*
oh god what am i doing here what even happened
We're having tea. Would you like some?
*scientists mutter to themselves*
"Sure we can stop for tea!"
Outstanding. *prepares a little tea party, complete with cream and sugar bowl*
Any sweet iced tea?
Post self-deleted by Aksun.
*The scientists start sipping the tea, when one scientist receives a transmission*
"Ground team this is the USS Leviathan, how are things going down there?"
"Leviathan this is ground team, we are examining the region and its inhabitants. We have to say that everything is going well."
"Roger that. Continue your study and report back in 36 hours. Leviathan out."
RPing a little bit never hurt anybody.
Sweet iced tea is heresy of the highest order.
Of course the 'Pendrans have some. If they didn't, we could certainly sell you some. ;)
So it's rainy and gloomy where I am. What about you folks?
'Tis a bit muggy, with thunderstorms expected at about noon and overnight. High of 28C, low of 19C. Certainly insufficient weather to get in the way of today's scheduled BattleTech or Edge of the Empire games.
Ah Celsius a language I don't understand completely, but if I had to guess that's 70-80 deg F?
Higher end of that range, yes. 28C is about 84F. A good mental marker is 20C = 68F, exactly. As long as you know that and 0C = 32F, you can reconstruct the conversion equation yourself using algebra! :D
(This message brought to you by the Scolopendran Science Section: Luminantis viam scientiam.)
The scale is also that a change in 1C is exactly a change in 1.8F, so if you know the temperature in C at noon and want to know it at say for instance 3 PM, just take the difference between noon and 3 PM temperatures in F, multiply by 1.8, and add/subtract that to C.
But can it be done with strings, or perhaps squiggly lines?
I knew the F=9/5C+32 and the C=5/9(F-32) it's nice to know that 1C = 1.8 F. Thanks :)
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