I sure hope the next drinks are also free. Redistribution of the malts, etc. etc.
Shesh what happened to everybody here? *shakes the moon* wake up!
Heya, Vis. Welcome.
Hi there.
Greetings from your new friends in The Cuckoos Egg.
Ciao for now,
Hiya Folks. After a brief 5 year vacation, I'm back. Looks like a lot has changed. :)
Welcome back!
holy crap
Well, first off, as you can see, everything is dead.
Triumvirate Protectorate Territory The Vast secured.
Police action complete.
Post self-deleted by Magical mystery machine.
Yo what up
Clearly not that much. Sorry, been busy the past few days.
I have colonized a bit of your moon, don't mind me!
Fair enough. We've got the space.
Neato... don't mind the vast amounts of weapons...
Neighbors, why so quiet?
Not that much going on, to be quite honest.
Post self-deleted by Fan bea.
Hark! o7
I am from the Official European Union
We have found your region with low numbers!
We have come to thine aid!
We would like to make the Titan a colony!
Your region would remain entirely autonomous! Your WA Delegate and your regional officers would still hold all power!
But we would require that you put our flag in the corner of your flag and have a link to us and our discord in your world factbook entry!
We would make sure that if your member count ever goes to near zero it will never disappear as we will always keep a puppet here to keep the region alive!
Request denied.