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Top 4 Countries with the greatest scientific advancement (and which are part of the roleplay)
1° Petriland
2° Arsenia
3° Derkma
4° Miokandia
Funny that these are also the countries with the largest territorial extension.
The Arsens and Cliffsidea
Another technocracy classic...More nations should become technocracies.
What I'm trying to say is make the war longer than a couple hours, make it last an IRL week as a start at least...
That's what I'm doing.
30 minutes = couple hours
ONE DAY = couple months
A week = a year
James Kennedy wishes to ally with Arsens again.
I was playing Oath of Office in Roblox yesterday which is a USA politic game and I was legit JFK charisma and wisdom.
And I won the election...
Petriland and The Arsens
nice to see somebody else who plays roblox. I prefer Making games than playing them
For example, I am at war with Asucion, I cannot invade all of Santa Catarina at once. Do I have to go city by city?
City by city, town by town.
IF you do go to war with Asucion for the first time I will be neutral
Petriland use UDS news account to inform everyone about the Derkman invasion of Japan.
The region seens empty, there's a lot of nations, but none of them speak often.
i have a tiny flag for some reason
Petriland, The Arsens, and Cliffsidea
James Kennedy wishes to ally with you bud.
After five hours. Land carriers has landed on Stratusia
Petriland, The Arsens, and Cliffsidea
Settle your war and come to New Toren.
So finish my war first?
Whata (REDACTED) is happening
We will wait for Stratusia's response. In the meantime James Kennedy is traveling to The Arsens
The Arsens and Cliffsidea
We are expecting the plane to arrive in the morning Arsenia time (aka im going to sleep)
Derkma and Cliffsidea
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