by Max Barry

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«12. . .8283848586»

In the deserts of Africa lies creatures you may only see in photos like-
*Here comes a pack of painted dogs*
They have come to you with a message to tell you the painted dogs say
*congrats on becoming the featured region of the day The Region of Warsaw*
Want some meat 🥩?

Happy feature day!

And happy early 3rd anniversary!

Ahoy! RV Unrelenting Sea is passing through to explore your featured region. Our hearty congratulations!

Unthinkable as it is, the day has come
1 in 28000 odds, you've just overcome
Plethora of regions, you've bested them all.
On this day, your name shall be plastered on the wall.

For in all of time, people have told
That with three sevens, luck will unfold
The stars align for a fate heard through preachers
Congratulations on being featured!

FA flight 950 has landed at The Region of Warsaw International airport! The local time is 5:41 PM. We will be here till we depart for the next featured region. Happy featuredness!

Congratulations on being featured!!!

As a train pulls into the The Region of Warsaw train station, an announcement is made.

*Now arriving at The Region of Warsaw station on Track 1, is The Featured Region Express to [Insert next featured region.] The train conductor Kai would also like to congratulate this region on being featured. Please stand back from the yellow line and please watch the gap while boarding the train.*

When entering the station, the train gives a horn show, which sounds like someone is saying, ''Congrats on being featured.''

The train stops at the platform, and opens its doors, waiting until the next region is featured to depart from the The Region of Warsaw station to the next station.

Region Score (What Class would I let you sit in on the train, based on):

Banned From Traveling On The Featured Region Express: Depends

Coach Class: Dead region/region with little to no activity.

Premium Coach Class: Semi-dead region, region with some activity, embassy active region, a resident of the region notices the region is featured, or I like the region.

Business Class: Region with a lot of activity, Bite My Biscuits rated this region Legendary, or I really like the region.

First Class: Region with a ton of activity, or I love this region so much, that if I weren't congratulating featured regions, I would most likely reside in that region for awhile, or make it my permanent region.

Seat Upgrade: If a region is featured on a holiday, the members of that region will automatically get a region score (seat) upgrade. For example: If a region is featured on Christmas Day, instead of getting, let's say for example, Coach Class, the region would instead get Premium Coach Class.

CREDIT TO: Bite My Biscuits, For Helping Me Revamp This Factbook, And The Featured Region Book, For Letting Me Use His "Rank Boosting" System Idea.

Read factbook

Premium Class [nation](Semi-Dead Region)

Be aware of the Minnaians, maybe they will come by your region soon?

Minnaia wrote:A bit about the Minnaians

The nomadic people of Minnaia, known as the Seagull Clan, or more mockingly the gull worshipers, or simply just the Minnaians, are a wandering clan of free minded odd nature enthusiasts and faithful worshipers of the god Minnaia, a beautiful shining silver seagull who, since the dawn of time, has watched over the Seagull Clan and warned the clan about bad weather, ended wars and provided much needed help during calamities as well as in other trials, which the Minnaians have encountered during their long determined journey over dry plains and high mountains, through dense forests and over deep rivers and dangerous seas.

Long long ago when worlds were in constant flux and humanity's footprints were still being set, there has lived a nomadic people known as the Seagull Clan. This clan was not tied to a fixed place, but wandered from coast to coast, from one fishing ground to the next. They were known for their ability to adapt to changing conditions and their lives were deeply connected to the cycles of the sea.

The Seagull Clan's way of life is always in harmony with the sea and the surrounding land of rivers, plains, forests and mountains. Their temporary homes are made of lightweight materials that can be easily packed and moved, and their boat structures are unique in their flexibility and light weight. Their lives are characterized by constant movement. The members of the clan have always been experienced sailors and hunters, and over time they have developed a deep understanding of the signs of the sea and the seasons. They view the ocean as both a generous bounty and an inevitable danger, and their way of life requires a careful balance between exploiting its resources and protecting its fragile ecosystem.

Minnaia is considered the Seagull Clan's divine protector and guide. According to legend, Minnaia was not just an ordinary seagull, but a mighty and brilliant creature with feathers of pure silver that glittered like the stars in the night sky. Minnaia was said to be able to control the elements of the sea and direct the important forces that affect the life of the clan. As the protector of the clan, Minnaia is often seen as a guide, showing the clan the right path and ensuring that their many long journeys were safe. It is said that she can shed light on the dangerous waters, guide them to fertile fishing grounds and protect them from the wrath of storms. In other words, Minnaia is considered a deity of fertility and abundance, as she ensures that the sea is always generous.

A popular legend tells of a time when the Seagull Clan was on its way over a stormy sea. Their boat was sinking and it seemed as if no rescue was in sight. The clan desperately asked Minnaia for help. In a flash of silver, the storm lost its power and Minnaia flew down from the clouds, her silver feathers glistening in the moonlight. Minnaia guided the clan through the night and her presence was considered a sign that they were safe. By the time the sun rose, the storm had passed and the clan was safe on the other side of the sea. The story of this miraculous rescue has since become an important story in the clan's culture and beliefs.

But one day Minnaia disappeared. It was a fateful day for the Seagull Clan. The sun had risen over the sea as it always had done, but a dark shadow rested over the clan as their beloved god, the silver gull Minnaia, had suddenly disappeared. The shining silver feathers that normally floated through the air bringing wisdom and protection were now completely gone and the clan members could feel the sea's natural balance beginning to falter. Without Minnaia's guidance and protection, the clan's life was filled with uncertainty. The storms grew fiercer, fish stocks began to dwindle, and fear of the unknown grew among them. In this time of darkness and chaos, a young warrior named Aethercrest rose to prominence.

Aethercrest was already known among the clan as a fearless and wise warrior, a warrior with a rare ability to see beyond the immediate and understand the depths of the forces of nature. He had learned to listen to the whispers of the sea and follow the guidance of the stars, and his connection to Minnaia was strong. With Minnaia gone, the clan was left with fear and uncertainty, seeking solace in ancient songs and rituals to bring back their deity. But Aethercrest knew that the clan's survival could not depend on ancient traditions alone; it required action, courage and a willingness to go beyond the known limits.

Determined to find Minnaia and restore balance, Aethercrest rallied the clan around him. With firm determination and a fire in his heart, he said:

"Our ways have been bright under Minnaia's wings. But now that she is gone, it is our duty to find her. Not just for our own sake, but for the sea's, for our home, and for our future."

Encouraged by Aethercrest's words and courage, seventeen of Aethercrest most trusted friends and followers, set out on a heroic quest that took them and Aethercrest through troubled waters, stormy skies, and hidden islands.

The journey was filled with dangers. Aethercrest and his companions encountered wild storms, hostile groups, and mysteries that demanded both their strength and wisdom. But Aethercrest's determination and ability to interpret the signs of nature helped them find their way. After many trials, they found themselves on a hidden island where a mysterious, enchanted temple stood. Inside, among magical artifacts and ancient writings, Aethercrest found a prediction about Minnaia's fate and a way to bring her back.

And so Aethercrest the Hero and his seventeen companions set out on a long and dangerous journey into the unknown in search of their divine seagull, Minnaia.

On his journey in search of Minnaia, Aethercrest the Hero is joined by the following:

His childhood friend and second-in-command, Thor Gullscry, who has a mighty battle cry, inspired by the shrill cries of seagulls.

The six warriors:
Gareth Seabright, with the ability to fight like a giant and light up like a seagull.
Elara Skyme, with a luminous presence and the ability to glide through the air like a seagull on her self-made wings.
Roderic Gullshield, with a strong will and protective sense like a seagull protects its nest.
Elric Seacrest, with a deep strategic insight and connection to the seagulls.
Loric Marlin, a slightly lazy warrior, like a seagull who has eaten too many fries.
Talia Seawatch, insanely wild in battle and at the same time beautiful as a seagull.

The three advisors:
Liora Gullwing, with keen observational skills and the elegance of a seagull.
Isolde Tidemist, with the ability to understand the sea's tides and the movements of seagulls.
Cassandra Gullflare, with a keen intuition and who can do a sharp imitation of a seagull.

The four navigators:
Rowan Shorefeather, with a deep connection to the shores and seagulls.
Gwyneth Mariner, who can move easily between the waves of the sea and the seagulls.
Finnian Windgull, with the ability to follow the wind and the paths of seagulls.
Orin Skymaster, who can read the wings of the seagulls.

The meticulous cook, Gideon Seawing, who also have a smile that can brighten up everyone's day.

The spy, Alaric Shorewing, who can move silently and swiftly like a seagull on the shore.

The wise spirit summoner, Anwen Gullkeeper, sly as a seagull.

Back at home in the camp during this time of dark clouds, the clan's shaman, Thaddeus Stormhelm, stood out as a figure of great wisdom and courage. His name carried a weight that matched the power he wielded. Thaddeus had spent many years studying the ancient scriptures and meditating under stormy skies. His ability to understand the weather was legendary.

That day the clan was shaken by the disappearance of Minnaia and the subsequent departure of Aethercrest the Hero and his seventeen companions from the rest of the clan in search of their goddess - Thaddeus Stormhelm got another task. His duty as a shaman was to protect the remaining members of the clan from misfortune. Before him he had a huge responsibility; without his protection the clan would face ruin.

Thaddeus took his place in the camp and began his work of calming his people. He summoned the elder spirits of wind and water to aid the village and began chanting ancient song rituals that could bring joy and peace to the clan's unhappy members. Every day was a battle against, among other things, the fury of nature, but Thaddeus Stormhelm stood firm and was brave. Although his work was full of challenges, Thaddeus knew he had chosen the right path. He trusted that Aethercrest and his companions would find Minnaia and bring her back to safety. Thaddeus' actions were filled with a quiet determination, and his friendship with the spirit world was what gave him the strength to carry on.

And both Thaddeus, Aethercrest and the rest of the Seagull Clan has to find their strength, courage and faith not only in their search for Minnaia but also because hostile rivals are always secretly plotting to destroy, mock or threaten the Seagull Clan. And their biggest rivalry is with the Crab Clan. The rivalry between the Seagull Clan and the Crab Clan has deep roots in their early history. Originally, it were simple battles over resources, especially fertile land and access to waterways. But since both the Seagull Clan and the Crab Clan have very different life philosophies and goals, it created the basis for a long-lasting conflict between the two clans.

The Seagull Clan is known for their strong connection to nature and their values ​​of harmony and tradition. As previously mentioned, they live in close contact with the environment and seek to maintain a balance between people and nature. Their symbol, the seagull, represents their ability to navigate and find their way in both the physical and spiritual world. The Seagull Clan focuses on community, cooperation and a deep respect for the traditions of their ancestors.

The Crab Clan, on the other hand, is characterized by a more aggressive and power-seeking culture. They are often driven by ambition for conquest and political power. The Crab Clan is symbolized by the crab, reflecting their strength and determination. They value material success and political influence and are prone to use bad language, violence and strategic maneuvers to achieve their goals.

One of the most defining periods in the history of the two clans was the so-called Great Sandcastle War. This was an extensive and long conflict that lasted for many years and involved fierce fighting for control of strategically important areas that were highly beneficial for sandcastle building. The conflict - or Sandcastle War - had far-reaching consequences for both clans and created a deep rift between the Seagull Clan and the Crab Clan. After this confrontation, there were periods when the clans tried to find peace and cooperation. Peace negotiations and diplomatic initiatives were launched to avoid further conflict. Despite these efforts, there was often an underlying mistrust between the clans, and peace agreements were often fragile and unworkable. The rivalry between the Seagull Clan and the Crab Clan is therefore a constant torment and challenge, especially also at a time when the Seagull Clan find themselves in a divine crisis.

Other minor rivalries worth mentioning include the rivalry with the easy-to-get-jealous Lobster Clan, who funnily enough are also looking for their missing lobster god as well as the rivalry with the Mackerel Clan, who are generally just annoying.

And thus a bit about the Minnaians has been told.

And congratulations!

Gratias, everyone, gratias!

Finally... we are featured. I can rest in peace.


Whiskany has been re-elected as Allied Supreme Commander of the Alliance.


The Alliance of Treaty of Entioch

I have been thinking, it's 3 years since TROW was born and only now have we made embassies with a Central European themed region.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


The United Democratic Nations has now been granted membership of the Atomic Defense Union.
This is another step on the road towards prosperity and happiness in a nuclear-safe world, where our enemies either fear us or lie in ruins from our combined power and strength of our nuclear security service.

The Treaty of Entioch, which is the main sponsor of ADU, welcomes this development.

The Alliance of Treaty of Entioch


After some consideration, research, and general dissatisfaction, New Crywyzyxycynya has a new flag! We now look slightly different on the RMB. Hurrah!

New Crywyzyxycynya wrote:After some consideration, research, and general dissatisfaction, New Crywyzyxycynya has a new flag! We now look slightly different on the RMB. Hurrah!

It gives Hungarista vibes.

Oh. Oh no. Oh well.
New Crywyzyxycynya isn't aligned with that group, but it is pretty far-right. I think we'll be fine.

Join the ADU for N-Day!

New Crywyzyxycynya wrote:Oh. Oh no. Oh well.
New Crywyzyxycynya isn't aligned with that group, but it is pretty far-right. I think we'll be fine.

I know how you feel. Earlier someone called the Selanese military roundel as “fascist” but I don’t see how.

«Horni i Služi»
(Protect and Serve)
Selaneskaja Cesarieveska Vojiska
ꓢꓰꓸ-ꓡꓮꓠꓹ ꓔꓰꓽ-ꓗꓪꓳꓗꓸ ꓗꓥꓱꓠꓸ
War flag

The Selanese Imperial Army (Selanese: Selaneskaja Cesarieveska Vojiska, Tunglanese: ꓢꓰꓸ-ꓡꓮꓠꓹ ꓔꓰꓽ-ꓗꓪꓳꓗꓸ ꓗꓥꓱꓠꓸ) is the armed forces of the Selanese Empire.
Read factbook

Dear allies of the Treaty of Entioch and nuclear comrades of the Atomic Defense Union!

The time has come to mobilize for the coming all-destructive nuclear war!

Join the "Atomic Defense Union" faction either via the United Confederation of Planets, the Treaty of Entioch or your region if it has added the faction to the region. You can also use the above link.
Otherwise, we appreciate if all ADU-members add the Atomic Defense Union to their region and spreading the word about our glory.

Keep an eye out in RMB via Treaty of Entioch or join our Discord:

For Unity! For Victory!


Attention people.
This is Hemogard, President of Liberlandia. (I'm also a raider of The Black Hawks, but that is irrelevant here).
N-Day is approaching. Your region is part of the "Atomic Defense Union" and perhaps even "The Treaty of Entioch". In order to honour your pledge towards the alliance formed in these treaties, you must join the official Treaty of Entioch discord server, where we are actively coordinating everything for N-Day.

It is imperative for you to join if you want to represent your region's respect for the treaty and want to show you are a part of The Atomic Defense Union!


Atomic War Comrades of the Atomic Defense Union!

What we have all been waiting for and preparing for will begin in just a few hours.

Stick together and defend each other and attack according to the instructions.

Together we will take ADU to new heights in this frenzy of nuclear exchanges.

If you can - then please join the Treaty of Entioch's Discord for the best possible coordination of ADU´s combined nuclear defense and attack.

Be strong - and believe in victories!


«12. . .8283848586»
