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What Country should I add to this blank map?
The Ethiopian Empire
The Korean Empire.
The Weimar Republic.
(Yep, I am a fan of Democracy)
The Teutonic Order.
let people advertise. Capatalism rules!
I'm going to assume you mean the Ethiopian Empire in the 1930's
Listening to Bryan Adams - Heaven
Ah I see, thanks for explaining. :D
Cleo and I went shopping at the supermarket today and I saw these and I thought about what you had written previously.
Laforeia and Dacarbatia
Yeah, these are pretty popular in the teen demographic! If you're looking for quick energy boost, you can use them to get a kick forward.
Though I don't use much coffee, I like the ease of it.
Ethnon and Dacarbatia
Angiskyrtopia, that would be soo great :D
tanease would be awesome to add
I'm a certified Tanease patriot. 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
At last! :)
I have recognition! Teeheehee!
I only advertise my song once a day. :D
Maybe twice.
Ethnon, Laforeia, Down Scoblic, and Dacarbatia
godzilla in fortnite
Oh yes, this bit...........
Ra! Ra! Cleopatra!
Famous beauty coming at ya! Teeheehee!
Good afternoon people :D
Cleopatra VII is ranked 203,801st in the world and 3,434th in The North Pacific for Most Advanced Public Transport, scoring 654.09 on the Societal Mobility Rating.
Ethnon, Petronellania, and Dacarbatia
and I have this to say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Well, I've chosen this song because it reminds me of Marcus on a dining in night that he took me to.
He danced to this song on the dancefloor, he made me laugh, I called him 'snake hips' after that.
He was a little drunk that night, when we left the venue he walked into a tree!
Neonlake and I laughed so much! 🤣
When we got home he spent the night on the bathroom floor, he was well out of it. 😂
I was the only sober one out of the two of us and someone had to look after Neo.
So whenever this song is played I always ask him to dance for me.
So here is the song.
Rihanna - Only Girl (In The World)
Come on snake hips! 🤣
Good luck to all in the competition.
Lots of love
~Cleo 💋
Ethnon, Petronellania, and Laforeia
You got me! Teeheehee!
I love Rick Astley and that record. :D
If we’re being technical lol
“Personal advertisement should be limited as much as possible, as it should not serve in a disruptive matter to the RMB. […] If you want to advertise certain content on the RMB, talk to the current Lead Gameside Advocate for their approval.” -The TNP RMB Rules x3
My take is well free to share music every now and then - I mean, I do it all the time as well- but keep it to a minimum :)
that was the wrong link here is the actual link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0
I'm now going to sing this song.
And Marcus had better dance for me. 😂
Or it's 🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊 Teeheehee!
🎵 Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that's in command
'Cause I'm the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man
Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only one 🎵
Ethnon and Petronellania
Greetings everyone!
It is time to announce the winner of the daily card lottery for 2025-01-17:
If you also want to be considered for the daily card lottery, you should become a Keeper of the North. It doesn't take more than two minutes, and you have a chance to win any of the available legendary cards!

~ Become a Keeper of the North to enter the lottery.
~ Exchange endorsements and vote on resolutions to increase your chances of winning.
~ Win legendary cards for your collection.
Participating in The North Pacific (TNP) WA Development Program (WADP) is a great way to increase the value of your trading card collection. Through our card lottery, every day, two lucky WA nations receive cards of legendary rarity as gift, completely free!
How often does the lottery take place?
We run two lotteries per day: one emphasizing exchanging endorsements (the endotarting lottery), and one emphasizing WA voting (the voting lottery). For each lotterry, we first determine the list of eligible WA nations. We then randomly draw a winner from each list. We finally randomly draw a legendary card to gift to each winner. The selected winners and cards are announced on the regional message board, and are also added to the list of winners below.
How do I become eligible for the lottery?
Here is what you need to do to enter each of the daily lotteries.
This sounds complicated, how do I find out how likely I am to win the lottery?
We have put together lists showing the chances each eligible nation has to win each of the daily lotteries. These lists update daily. If you are not listed, then that means that you are not eligible, which you can fix by becoming a Keeper of the North.
~ Probability of winning the voting card lottery.
Which cards can I win in the lottery?
Gift cards are selected at random with equal odds from among the list of all season 1 and
season 2 legendary cards available in the deck of regional nation The Northern Light. This list includes some of the most valuable cards available.
It is the end of the month, why was there no lottery today?
On the last day of the month, the lottery winners are not selected randomly. Instead, legendary cards are gifted to the winners of three top-10 categories of the WADP monthly awards. Additionally, epic cards are gifted to the winners of all awards other than the New WA Member Shout-out. Therefore, competing for the WADP monthly awards provides you with another way to win multiple free cards: up to three legendaries and five epics per month!
Legendary gift cards are selected in the same way as for the daily lottery. Epic gift cards are selected randomly from among the epic cards available in the decks of nations Card farmer 1 to Card farmer 2500.
Where can I find the lottery results for previous days?
The results of the lottery are announced on The North Pacific's RMB. Below you can find a list of all previous results announcements. The winners and gifted cards are also tabulated in this Google spreadsheet.
Card lottery results announcements | ||||
Are there any other ways I can get free cards?
Yes! You can join The North Pacific Cards Guild, which will allow you to take part in all sorts of card-related activities, such as collection competitions, pull events, and so on. In particular, you can request any non-legendary card you want in our Great Card Giveaway, and we will gift it to you as soon as we find it.
Additionally, you can participate in the executive government and win free legendary and epic cards through the Executive Card Rewards. To maximize the number of cards you can win, you can join the Executive Staff, Cards Guild, and North Pacific Army.
Where do the legendary cards used in the lottery come from?
The government of The North Pacific operates nations Card farmer 1 to Card farmer 2500, and uses them to expand the card collection of regional nation The Northern Light. This includes the legendary cards used for the lottery.
Can I help?
If you would like to contribute, please feel free to donate cards you do not need to regional nation The Northern Light. We are particularly interested in cards of common rarity, of nations that have ceased to exist, and with eight or fewer owners. Thanks in advance for your cards!
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