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Hello, Angi! How has your day been?
I feel like one is worse then the other.
The only realistic complaint that could be lodged is her support of fracking despite still believing in climate change and popularly some are against her stance in the gaza conflict.
Umm, look at the last couple of years under Biden. If you need to even ask this question...Oh my Lord, the woman has contributed NOTHING! Please, just don't get me started! What a joke! This entire election is a joke. America is a joke!
Go away...
Oh shoot. I now have a nose bleed. Gah!
I don’t get it, why people rejected the existence of Climate Change?
the party is already over nerd! >:O
CTP 140K
909 pages left
Who people are rejected painting bro?
Good night 🌙🌃💤
She had a hand in supporting a bill to protect voting rights, supported proposals for maternal health, and made a partnership which raised more then 5b to increase jobs in Central America.
Edit: I should state two things, one that the V.P doesn't have the power to just magically make laws, and that I'm not attempting to push a campaign for her. I am simply stating hard facts.
Why is Ice Spice here??? I came to the event to see my favorite chapter!!! Not some bad rapper bro 😭😭😭
If you want something done right, do it yourself
Wait, really?!
Then why is Aenglaland over there drooling and moaning? O.o
She's not even popular anymore, that's the same thing as them adding a gangnam style event for example.
Gangnam style is good. She's not.
Horrorlandian State, Down Scoblic, and Chao phraya river
Welp we're just getting a random live performance be someone I don't know. 😐
Oh wait it's Snoop Dog. This is just an ad for next Fortnite Festival...
Yeah... But we got Snoop Dog :D
I’m back.
People don't believe in climate change because climate isn't necessary a constant term. It's always in some degree of change. What people don't agree upon is the nature by which the climate is changing. Basically, everyone is looking at someone or something to blame for it. While humans do indeed contribute to the changes in climate, nature also does her thing.
No, I don't like her because she seems fake. She always repeats the same lines about "growing up middle class," but I don't see where she's done anything to enrich their lives. She seems to care about the plight of the misfortunate and minorities, but missed opportunities to connect with them in a manner where she actually looks like a leader who cares.
I care more about at-home affairs. We have more problems here to worry about other than some voting rights. What about the economy? 😆 🤣 😂 😹
It's always like that in politics. One's worse than the other, but in this election, I'm not convinced that either candidate is going to do America any good.
I actually like Fortnite Festival :3
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