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¿Què pasa si logramos la paz mundial
Just a friendly reminder: English is the language of NationStates.
Answer issues carefully and view issue result websites. Once your stats go in the negatives, it’s kaput.
Realmente no puedes hacer eso aquí. necesitas resolver problemas, etc. Además, si te lo estás preguntando, no hablo español. solo tengo que traducir
This union is so isolated / quiet on my opinion
kaput how? I'm a little too close to the negatives.
We can hear the birds! Enjoy the serenity!
I was in the negatives in a few. A few decisions later I have mostly positive numbers across the board. Just enjoy your decisions and live with the consequences!
I look here like 15 minutes a day and I think that should be more than enough
L V M H, The Citizens, and Motths
The nations that call us lonely and isolated come from the same person - who was banned from this region a few weeks ago.
The stat boost you get from select issue option is -99% what it offers.
EX: Let’s say manufacturing is at -8.9
Issue option gives +100.00
However, since your stat is in the negative…
-8.9 ➡️ -8.8
My god, how many enemies do you guys have lol
We don’t have any lol
The nation was banned because they constantly blackmailed our region and couldn’t communicate normally whatsoever
Bluu and Fefefeferartata
Hmm, okay, but if I were you I would watch my back. You don't know what kind of people lurk in the shadows.
There’s nothing left to blackmail me for, and it’s all history. I don’t feel threatened by them because words with no influence don’t hurt.
Bluu and Fefefeferartata
I'm already kinda in that rabbit hole honestly.
Use the key I gave you and try to boost up an industry.
Its insane how quickly they give up defending a frontier and decided to use the WA manpower to establishes themselves in the new sinker instead. Anyway, here's your endorsement to replace that reigon guy.
The Sinkers are all proxy controlled region by The Pacifics, The League, Europeia and all of their other puppets.
Also, the nations who claim we’re lonely and isolated are all crab region puppets.
There is no evidence supporting that guy is an alt of our crab reigon guy. Maybe he just preferred joining a reigon where there's 10+ messages per second.
10+ a second would be cancer
Turcijia celebrates her return to authoritarian democracy as her saint people has always intended! The state serves her saint people.
See! Your nation has great stats - safety, lifespan, public transport, income equality, etc.
WhY cLoSe EmBaSsY?????
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